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Open Access Publications from the University of California
Cover page of “I work with what I have”: Managing Medication Abortion and Miscarriage in the Unhoused Community

“I work with what I have”: Managing Medication Abortion and Miscarriage in the Unhoused Community


To provide better support to houseless individuals’experiences with MAB.

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Cover page of Demographics of U.S. Medical Students retaining, gaining, or losing interest in OB-GYN

Demographics of U.S. Medical Students retaining, gaining, or losing interest in OB-GYN


To describe the race and ethnicity, gender, and financial status of students who remain interested in (retention), become interested in (recruitment), or lose interest in (attrition) OBGYN from matriculation to graduation.

Cover page of Abortion Care in the Context of Changing Legislation: Amplifying Abortion-Trained Physician Experiences and Perspectives From California, Texas, Ireland, and the UK

Abortion Care in the Context of Changing Legislation: Amplifying Abortion-Trained Physician Experiences and Perspectives From California, Texas, Ireland, and the UK


The primary aim was to examining abortion-trained physician perspectives on barriers toabortion access and their views on physicians'roles in the legislative regulation of abortion.

The secondary aim was to elicit theperspectives and experiences of abortion-trained physicians to understand the effectsof legislation on their ability to providepatients with comprehensive reproductivecare.

Cover page of Developing a Pathway for URM Students: Are We Helping?

Developing a Pathway for URM Students: Are We Helping?


The UCSF/Kaiser Permanente UndergraduateResearch Internship (URI) is an eight-week pathway program aimed to support underrepresented minority (URM) students through opportunities for clinical shadowing, research, and mentorship.Our objective is to study the impact of URI onparticipants’ self-efficacy and professionaloutcomes.

Cover page of Outcomes and risk of complications for patients undergoing dilation and evacuation for intrauterine fetal demise

Outcomes and risk of complications for patients undergoing dilation and evacuation for intrauterine fetal demise


Dilation and evacuation (D&E) is safer and more effective than labor induction for uterine evacuation of patients withsecond-trimester intrauterine fetal demise (IUFD). Patients with IUFD are at higher risk of complications, including hemorrhage and disseminated intravascularcoagulation (DIC), compared to patients undergoing D&E for other indications.

We aimed to describe outcomes, rates of complications, and associated risk factors for patients undergoing D&E for IUFD at our institution.

  • 1 supplemental PDF
Cover page of Consistency in Contraception Choice through 6 Months Postpartum

Consistency in Contraception Choice through 6 Months Postpartum


To evaluate the consistency of contraceptionplan identified at delivery hospitalization withreported contraception use over 6 monthspostpartum.

Cover page of Adverse Outcomes of Second Trimester Dilation and Evacuation in Patients with Prior Cesarean Delivery

Adverse Outcomes of Second Trimester Dilation and Evacuation in Patients with Prior Cesarean Delivery


Prior Cesarean delivery (CD) has beenshown to increase the overall complication risk in second trimester dilation and evacuation (D&E) procedures; however, little data existsabout frequency of specific risks. The objective is to determine the proportion of patients with prior CD that experienced adverse outcomes associated with D&Eprocedures.

Cover page of Improving Utilization and Quality of Survivorship Care for Patients with Gynecological Malignancies

Improving Utilization and Quality of Survivorship Care for Patients with Gynecological Malignancies


After patients end their cancer treatmentand have no evidence of disease, theyenter survivorship portion of their care.

Survivorship programs provide thefollowing services: psychosocial support,nutrition, medication side-effects, geneticcounseling, and fertility concerns throughthe use of treatment summaries andsurvivorship care plans. Patients continue to face difficulty in accessing services.

Objectives: To increase enrollment insurvivorship program.