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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Residual resistance ratio measurement system for Nb3Sn wires extracted from Rutherford cables


Residual resistance ratio (RRR) of superconducting strands is an important parameter for magnet electrical stability. RRR serves as a measure of the low-temperature electrical conductivity of the copper within a conductor that has a copper stabilization matrix. For Nb3Sn, due to the need of a reaction heat treatment, the technical requirements for high quality measurements of strands extracted from Rutherford cables are particularly demanding. Quality of wire, cabling deformation, heat treatment temperature, heat treatment atmosphere, sample handling, and measurement methods can all affect the RRR. Therefore, as an integral part of the electrical quality control (QC) of Nb3Sn Rutherford cables manufactured at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, it was prudent that we established a RRR measurement system that can isolate the assessment of cable-fabrication-related impacts from sample preparation and measurement factors. Here we describe a bespoke cryocooler-based measurement system, capable of measuring RRR of over 80 samples in a single cooldown. The samples are mounted on custom-designed printed circuit boards that accommodate the shape of strands extracted from a Rutherford cable without added deformation, which we will show is critical in ensuring that the measurements accurately represent the RRR values of the conductor within the cable. Using this sample mounting solution, we routinely measure the overall RRR of the strand as well as individual intra-strand sections corresponding to both cable edges and cable broad faces with high reproducibility. Such measurements provide valuable information on the variation of RRR along the length of the strands as well as across strand productions and cable runs over time.

Cover page of Resonant Emittance Mixing of Flat Beams in Plasma Accelerators

Resonant Emittance Mixing of Flat Beams in Plasma Accelerators


Linear colliders rely on high-quality flat beams to achieve the desired event rate while avoiding potentially deleterious beamstrahlung effects. Here, we show that flat beams in plasma accelerators can be subject to quality degradation due to emittance mixing. This effect occurs when the beam particles' betatron oscillations in a nonlinearly coupled wakefield become resonant in the horizontal and vertical planes. Emittance mixing can lead to a substantial decrease of the luminosity, the main quantity determining the event rate. In some cases, the use of laser drivers or flat particle beam drivers may decrease the fraction of resonant particles and, hence, mitigate emittance deterioration.

Cover page of Strong–strong simulations of combined beam–beam and wakefield effects in the Electron–Ion-Collider

Strong–strong simulations of combined beam–beam and wakefield effects in the Electron–Ion-Collider


Collective wakefield and beam–beam effects play an important role in accelerator design and operation. These effects can cause beam instability, emittance growth, and luminosity degradation, and warrant careful study during accelerator design. In this paper, we studied the combined wakefield and beam–beam effects in an Electron Ion Collider design using strong–strong simulations. The simulation results show that the nonlinear beam–beam effects help suppress wakefield driven instability in the nominal working tune regime. In other tune regimes, the coherent beam–beam modes interact with the wakefields and cause a beam instability. The simulation results also show the importance of maintaining nominal crab cavity voltage. If the crab cavity voltage drops significantly the beam can become unstable.

Cover page of Measuring signatures in photon angular spectra to distinguish nonlinear Compton scattering models

Measuring signatures in photon angular spectra to distinguish nonlinear Compton scattering models


The collision of a high-energy electron beam with a laser pulse may be used to study radiation reaction and nonlinear Compton scattering among many other processes in strong-field quantum electrodynamics. Predictions from simulation and theory for these interactions rely on a number of approximations and assumptions that have not been experimentally tested. Here, experimentally measurable signatures are identified that might be able to distinguish between radiation reaction models, i.e., classical or quantum, or between the local constant field and local monochromatic approximations used to calculate the properties of the nonlinear Compton process. These signatures are considered through Monte Carlo simulations of various experimental conditions that are relevant to today's laser facilities. Potential detection schemes for measuring the signatures are proposed. We find that single-photon counting of keV photons to resolve harmonics and scintillator-based detection of MeV photons may allow us to validate nonlinear Compton scattering models and radiation reaction models respectively. This will require electron beams with divergence angles less than 2 mrad and less than 20% energy spread.

Cover page of Dephasing of ion beams as magnetic vortex acceleration regime transitions into a bubble-like field structure

Dephasing of ion beams as magnetic vortex acceleration regime transitions into a bubble-like field structure


The interaction of an ultra-intense laser pulse with a near critical density target results in the formation of a plasma channel, a strong azimuthal magnetic field and moving vortices. An application of this is the generation of energetic and collimated ion beams via magnetic vortex acceleration. The optimized regime of magnetic vortex acceleration is becoming experimentally accessible with new high intensity laser beamlines coming online and advances made in near critical density target fabrication. The robustness of the acceleration mechanism with realistic experimental conditions is examined with three-dimensional simulations. Of particular interest is the acceleration performance with different laser temporal contrast conditions, in some cases leading to pre-expanded target profiles prior to the arrival of the main pulse. Preplasma effects on the structure of the accelerating fields are explored, including a detailed analysis of the ion beam properties and the efficiency of the process. Improved scaling laws for the magnetic vortex acceleration mechanism, including the laser focal spot size effects, are presented.

Cover page of Saturation of the compression of two interacting magnetized plasma toroids evidenced in the laboratory.

Saturation of the compression of two interacting magnetized plasma toroids evidenced in the laboratory.


Interactions between magnetic fields advected by matter play a fundamental role in the Universe at a diverse range of scales. A crucial role these interactions play is in making turbulent fields highly anisotropic, leading to observed ordered fields. These in turn, are important evolutionary factors for all the systems within and around. Despite scant evidence, due to the difficulty in measuring even near-Earth events, the magnetic field compression factor in these interactions, measured at very varied scales, is limited to a few. However, compressing matter in which a magnetic field is embedded, results in compression up to several thousands. Here we show, using laboratory experiments and matching three-dimensional hybrid simulations, that there is indeed a very effective saturation of the compression when two independent parallel-oriented magnetic fields regions encounter one another due to plasma advection. We found that the observed saturation is linked to a build-up of the magnetic pressure, which decelerates and redirects the inflows at their encounter point, thereby stopping further compression. Moreover, the growth of an electric field, induced by the incoming flows and the magnetic field, acts in redirecting the inflows transversely, further hampering field compression.

Cover page of High-Field Magnets for Future Hadron Colliders

High-Field Magnets for Future Hadron Colliders


Recent strategy updates by the international particle physics community have confirmed strong interest in a next-generation energy frontier collider after completion of the High-Luminosity LHC program and construction of a e + e − Higgs factory. Both hadron and muon colliders provide a path toward the highest energies, and both require significant and sustained development to achieve technical readiness and optimize the design. For hadron colliders, the energy reach is determined by machine circumference and the strength of the guiding magnetic field. To achieve a collision energy of 100 TeV while limiting the circumference to 100 km, a dipole field of 16 T is required and is within the reach of niobium–tin magnets operating at 1.9 K. Magnets based on high-temperature superconductors may enable a range of alternatives, including a more compact footprint, a reduction of the cooling power, or a further increase of the collision energy to 150 TeV. The feasibility and cost of the magnet system will determine the possible options and optimal configurations. In this article, I review the historical milestones and recent progress in superconducting materials, design concepts, magnet fabrication, and test results and emphasize current developments that have the potential to address the most significant challenges and shape future directions.

Cover page of High-throughput homogenization of a quasi-Gaussian ultrafast laser beam using a combined refractive beam shaper and spatial light modulator

High-throughput homogenization of a quasi-Gaussian ultrafast laser beam using a combined refractive beam shaper and spatial light modulator


Efficiently shaping femtosecond, transverse Gaussian laser beams to flat-top beams with flat wavefronts is critical for large-scale material processing and manufacturing. Existing beam shaping devices fall short either in final beam homogeneity or efficiency. We present an approach that uses refractive optics to perform the majority of the beam shaping and then uses a fine-tune device (spatial light modulator) to refine the intensity profile. For the beam that we selected, circularly asymmetric with intensity fluctuations, our method achieved a uniformity of 0.055 within 90% of the beam area at 92% efficiency. The optimization involved an iterative beam shaping process that converged to optimum within 10 iterations.

Glows, arcs, ohmic discharges: An electrode-centered review on discharge modes and the transitions between them


Ever since they have been studied, gas discharges have been classified by their visual appearance as well as by their current and voltage levels. Glow and arc discharges are the most prominent and well-known modes of discharges involving electrodes. In a first approximation, they are distinguished by their current and voltage levels, and current–voltage characteristics are a common way to display their relations. In this review, glow discharges are defined by their individual electron emission mechanism such as secondary electron emission by photons and primary ions, and arcs by their respective collective mechanism such as thermionic or explosive electron emission. Emitted electrons are accelerated in the cathode sheath and play an important role in sustaining the discharge plasma. In some cases, however, electron emission is not important for sustaining the plasma, and consequently we have neither a glow nor an arc discharge but a third type of discharge, the ohmic discharge. In part 1 of this review, these relationships are explained for quasi-stationary discharges, culminating with updated graphical presentations of I–V characteristics (Figs. 15 and 16). In part 2, further examples are reviewed to include time-dependent discharges, discharges with electron trapping (hollow cathode, E×B discharges) and active anode effects.