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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Frontiers of Biogeography

Frontiers of Biogeography bannerUC Merced

Submitting your manuscript

Note:  Frontiers of Biogeography migrated to a new publisher in 2024, and up-to-date submission information about the journal can be found at  The information below dates from 2024.

Original articles submitted to Frontiers of Biogeography are screened and those passing initial screening are assigned to a handling editor and are subject to expert peer review. The journal's policy is to seek non-conflicted expert reviewers to assist the editors in their editorial decisions. This applies to all article types with the exception of book reviews and editorials, for which editorial review only may apply.

Submission of articles to Frontiers of Biogeographyis via the eScholarship platform, via the orange 'submit' button on the top right of this page.

Submission of articles for scholarly review is based on the assumption that all authors have approved the final version of the manuscript and agree to its submission, and that all those entitled to authorship are recognized as authors.

Authors should be compliant with the journal's ethics statement.

Any article submitted to the journal must not have been published by another journal, or be under consideration for publication by another journal at the time of submission, or be submitted elsewhere while under consideration for FoB.

We welcome for expedited review submissions of papers turned down following review at other journals, providing that the revisions and previous reviews indicate that the underlying research is sound. In such cases, authors should submit their manuscript together with prior reviews and a point-by-point response letter addressing how the author's submitted manuscript has addressed concerns raised in previous reviews.

Within the submission process, we ask in all cases that co-author emails are uploaded alongside that of the corresponding author. Authors are also encouraged to provide a cover letter highlighting how the work contributes to advancing biogeography, suggesting potential independent expert reviewers, and (if they wish) suggesting an appropriate handling editor.

We request that, where possible, initial manuscript submissions are in MS Word or RTF format and include the figures and tables embedded within them in space efficient format.

Further details are to be found at Information for Authors.