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Open Access Publications from the University of California

General Call for Papers:

Transmodernity: Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World is a peer-reviewed and interdisciplinary journal of Luso-Hispanic and U.S. Latina/o literary and cultural studies. It is published by the University of California. The Journal promotes the study of marginalized areas of Luso-Hispanic and U.S. Latina/o cultural production of any period and invites submissions of unpublished essays. It also welcomes relevant interdisciplinary work, interviews and book reviews, as they relate to “South-to-South” dynamics between formerly colonized peoples. Although the Journal is mostly devoted to non-canonical work, it will consider articles that rethink canonical texts from postcolonial and transmodern approaches. We encourage contributions from a variety of fields and disciplines, including literature, cultural studies, media studies and new media, visual arts, performance studies, music, religion, cultural anthropology, and history.

Transmodernity functions as an open-access forum for Hispanists, Lusophonists, and specialists in US Latina/o Studies in a global academic community where scholars are increasingly interrogating borders both within and outside Spain, Portugal, Latin America and the United States, and focusing on the multiple intersections and exchanges that flow across borders.

In order to facilitate the broadest possible cultural conversation, the journal will be available without cost to anyone with access to the Internet. It is sponsored by The University of California and UC Merced’s School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts, and is hosted on the eScholarship Repository, which is part of the eScholarship initiative of the California Digital Library.

Submission Guidelines

Please submit manuscripts electronically to If you have any problem uploading your file, please contact: Submissions are accepted year-round on a rolling basis. However, in order to be guaranteed full consideration for the Spring issue, you must submit your article by November 15, 2010.

Manuscripts should range between 8,000-10,000 words, including notes and works cited, must follow the Modern Language Association Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing, and include an abstract (not to exceed 250 words). Submission guidelines and the style guide for Transmodernity can be found by following the links in the navigation bar to the left:

Proposals Invited for Special Forums

Transmodernity: Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World invites proposals for Special Forums in upcoming issues. Each Special Forum will be a cluster of articles that speaks to a critical issue in transnational Hispanic, US Latina/o and/or Lusophone Studies. We are particularly interested in innovative scholarship that is presented by coalitions of scholars from around the globe and which interrogates the geographical, topical, and ideological parameters of Hispanic, Latina/o and Lusophone Studies.

The Editorial Board will consider Special Forum proposals on a rolling basis. Proposals should be submitted in a Word document to Each Special Forum proposal should include: (1) a cover note that briefly explains the significance of the special focus and introduces the prospective guest editors (2) a draft of the call for papers for the Special Forum (300-word limit).

If the Special Forum proposal is accepted, the forum's guest editors will send out the call for papers, field all submission queries, and follow Transmodernity’s procedures for a peer review process. Special Forums are housed within issues of Transmodernity, and guest editors are responsible only for the content of their forums.

Commitment to a Cultural Commons

Authors retain copyright for all content published in Transmodernity: Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World. However, authors grant to the journal the right to make available such content, in any format, in perpetuity. Authors may reproduce, in other contexts, content to which they possess the copyright, although in any subsequent publications Transmodernity should be acknowledged as the original publisher.

Convocatoria de la revista académica Transmodernity: Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World:

Estimados/as colegas y amigos/as: nos complace anunciar la primera convocatoria de ensayos para la revista de la Universidad de California, Transmodernity: Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World. No queremos redundar brindándoles la misma información que encontrarán en el “Call for Papers” (adjunto, en inglés) y en la página oficial de la revista ( Por tanto, a aquéllos/as que estén interesados/as en saber detalles más precisos sobre esta publicación (en castellano o portugués), les invitamos a enviar sus preguntas a la dirección de correo electrónico de la revista:

En breve, Transmodernity es una revista académica que posee un riguroso proceso de evaluación. Utilizamos el procedimiento conocido como “copia ciega”, por el que lectores/as anónimos/as revisan trabajos de autores/as también anónimos/as.

El objetivo principal de la revista consiste en promover estudios interdisciplinarios sobre las creaciones literarias y artísticas “marginales” o “periféricas” del mundo luso-hispano y latina/o en general. Además, y siempre teniendo en cuenta el hecho de que la revista es para investigadores/as interesados/as en las letras y artes de regiones o países con algún grado de confluencia con lo luso-hispano y latino, alentamos a nuestros colaboradores a que nos envíen estudios que establezcan vínculos “sur-sur” con otras creaciones culturales del resto del mundo. Los ensayos que aborden textos canónicos desde perspectivas teóricas poscoloniales y/o transmodernas también serán evaluados para su posible publicación.

Transmodernity no publica textos de creación literaria.

En Transmodernity se evalúan ensayos elaborados por académicos de las distintas disciplinas que componen el ámbito de las humanidades, pero de ninguna manera ponemos restricciones al envío de ensayos correspondientes a otros campos afines.

Transmodernity acepta manuscritos de 15 a 30 páginas a doble espacio (Times New Roman 12), incluyendo notas y bibliografía. No se debe incluir más de quince notas. La revista publica ensayos críticos con una base teórica, así como entrevistas y reseñas en castellano, portugués e inglés que contribuyan a la divulgación del campo de los estudios culturales y literarios periféricos del mundo latino y luso-hispano desde la perspectiva de la transmodernidad. Los/as autores/as deberán enviar una versión electrónica del ensayo en Microsoft Word para Windows o MAC, siguiendo el estilo MLA, y deberán conseguir todos los permisos necesarios para su publicación. Transmodernity acepta sugerencias para números especiales. Se ofrecerá una lista de libros recibidos, siempre y cuando se ajusten a los campos de estudio de la revista.

Una vez entendidas las normas de publicación, pueden efectuar la correspondiente entrega de sus trabajos ingresando al enlace “Submissions”:

Si tienen alguna duda, no duden en comunicarse en castellano, portugués o inglés con el personal administrativo de Transmodernity (

Ignacio López-Calvo y Cristián H. Ricci
Codirectores de Transmodernity