About Us
TRANSMODERNITY: Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World, a peer-reviewed and interdisciplinary journal of Luso-Hispanic and U.S. Latino literary and cultural studies, is published by eScholarship and is part of the University of California. The Journal promotes the study of marginalized areas of Luso-Hispanic cultural production of any period and invites submissions of unpublished studies dealing with peripheral cultural production in the Luso-Hispanic world. It also welcomes relevant interdisciplinary work, interviews and book reviews, as they relate to “South-to-South” dynamics between formerly colonized peoples. Although the Journal is mostly devoted to non-canonical work, it will consider articles that rethink canonical texts from postcolonial and transmodern approaches.
Transmodernity is an open access journal. Universal free access to the journal (Full-text search and display) allows us to reach a much broader readership and engage in a global conversation. It is available worldwide, free of cost, to researchers and the general public via the Internet. This open access model allows greater dissemination of research, including to scholars in countries without much access to licensed resources. There have been multiple studies showing a correlation between open access publishing and increased citation rates. If you have any questions, email Ignacio López-Calvo lopezcalvo@msn.com or Cristián H. Ricci cricci@ucmerced.edu.
Transmodernity has chosen to publish all articles under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, starting in 2015. This broad license was developed to facilitate open access to, and free use of, original works of all types, and has been adopted by a growing group of authors and artists. Applying this standard license will provide strong legal protection to you as an author and those wishing to use your work, and thus ensure your right to make your work freely and openly available. As in our original policy, authors will retain copyright of the work.
El objetivo principal de Transmodernity consiste en promover estudios interdisciplinarios sobre las creaciones literarias y artísticas “marginales” o “periféricas” del mundo luso-hispano y latina/o en general. Además, y siempre teniendo en cuenta el hecho de que la revista es para investigadores/as interesados/as en las letras y artes de regiones o países con algún grado de confluencia con lo luso-hispano y latino, alentamos a nuestros colaboradores a que nos envíen estudios que establezcan vínculos “sur-sur” con otras creaciones culturales del resto del mundo. Los ensayos que aborden textos canónicos desde perspectivas teóricas poscoloniales y/o transmodernas también son publicables.
O principal objetivo de Transmodernity consiste em promover estudos interdisciplinares sobre as criações literárias e artísticas “marginais” ou “periféricas” do mundo luso-hispânico y latino, em geral. Além do mais, e tendo sempre em consideração o facto de que se trata de uma revista para investigadores/as com interesse pelas letras e pelas artes de regiões ou países com algum grau de confluência com o fenómeno luso-hispânico e latino, animamos os nossos colaboradores a enviarem-nos estudos que estabeleçam vínculos “sul-sul” com outras criações culturais do resto do mundo. Os ensaios que abordem textos canónicos desde perspetivas teóricas pós-coloniais e/ ou transmodernas poderão também ser publicados.