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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Submission Guidelines

Manuscript format

The primary style manual for the Journal of Citrus Pathology is Scientific Style and Format: The CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers (8th edition).

Research articles
Full-length research articles should be arranged as follows:

Title Page
Provide the full article title, names of the author(s), affiliation and address of the author(s), and the e‐mail address of the corresponding author.

The abstract must not exceed 250 words.

Provide at least 3, but no more than 10, keywords, avoiding use of plural terms, multiple concepts (e.g., terms linked by “and” or “of”), and abbreviations.

The introduction should provide sufficient background information to allow the reader to understand the rationale for the work being reported and help the reader evaluate and understand its importance.

Materials and methods
Materials and methods should provide sufficient information to permit the work to be repeated and should be kept concise by referring to previously published procedures. New methods should be described in full.

Include rationale of design along with the outcome of the experiments. Extensive interpretation should be reserved for the discussion section.

The discussion section should provide an interpretation of results and resulting conclusions in relationship to that of relevant work in the field previously reported, and should also indicate the value of this work for future research.

Briefly list acknowledgments and funding sources.

References cited in the text should give authors and date of publication (e.g., Jones and Jackson 1964; Jones et al. 2007). Only list citations in the reference section that have been published or accepted for publication; personal communications or unpublished works should only be mentioned in the text. Do not cite websites unless they are permanent public repositories, such as self-perpetuating online resources funded by government, academia, and industry. Many websites, databases, and software packages are associated with a published journal article that should be cited. Citations in the reference section should be listed in alphabetical order, according to Scientific Style and Format: The CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers(8th edition).

For example:

Journal article
Hilf ME, Karasev AV, Pappu HR, Gumpf DJ, Niblett CL, Garnsey SM. 1995. Characterization of Citrus tristeza virus subgenomic RNAs in infected tissue. Virology. 208:576-582.

Book chapter
Fraser RSS. 1998. Introduction to classical cross protection. In: Foster D, Taylor SJ, editors. Methods in molecular biology. Totowa (NJ): Humana Press. p. 13-24. (Plant virus protocols; vol. 81).

Article by DOI
Di Serio F, De Stradis A, Delgado S, Flores R, Navarro B. 2013. Cytopathic effects incited by viroid RNAs and putative underlying mechanisms. Front Plant Sci. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2012.00288.

Conference proceedings
Ballester-Olmos JF, Pina JA, Moreno P, Hermoso de Mendoza A, Cambra M, Navarro L. 1988. Biological characterization of different Citrus tristeza virus isolates in Spain. In: Timmer LW, Garnsey SM, Navarro L, editors. Proceedings of the 10th Conference of the International Organization of Citrus Virologists; Valencia, Spain. Riverside (CA): IOCV. p.22 -27.

Brief reports
The structure and style of a brief report is the same as that of a research article, but the length should not exceed 20,000 characters (including spaces) when printed. The abstract should not exceed 100 words. Up to 3 tables and/or figures may be included.

Graphic components

Tables must be included in the text at the appropriate points and must also be submitted as separate, editable files. Table files must be compatible with Microsoft Word or Excel. Tables should fit within a Journal of Citrus Pathology column width (3.25 inches). Tables wider than one column should be sized to 7 or 9.5 inches wide.

Figures must be included in the text at the appropriate points and must also be submitted as separate, editable files. Provide figure images in TIFF, EPS, high-resolution PDF, JPEG, or GIF format. Photographs should not be enlarged beyond the size at which they retain 300-dpi resolution. Images must be final size, preferably one column width (3.25 inches). Figures wider than one column should be sized to 7 or 9.5 inches wide. Do not save figure numbers, legends, or author names as part of the image, and ensure that any text remains editable to allow for house style or sizing changes. Composite figures must be preassembled.