The Journal of Citrus Pathology is an international, peer-reviewed, open access, online publication. The journal welcomes reports on research from all branches of pathology on all diseases of citrus and related fields. The journal accepts original contributions in basic and applied research on citrus diseases, pathogens and disease-associated agents, including graft-transmissible agents, viruses, viroids, bacteria, phytoplasmas and other wall-less bacteria, fungi, oomycetes, and nematodes as well as any agents affecting citrus biology. This online IOCV publication by eScholarship ensures the distribution of critical information for citrus health and hosts occasional invited autobiographies and biographies of pioneer leaders of the field of citrus pathology.
Volume 9, Issue 2, 2022
22nd Conference of the International Organization of Citrus Virologists, 2022, Online Webinars & Virtual Meetings
Conference of the International Organization of Citrus Virologists (IOCV)
Program of the 2022 Online Webinars Conference of IOCV XXII
Online Webinars Conference of IOCV XXII
Abstracts 2022 IOCV XXII
This issue contains the program and abstracts presented at the online webinars of the 22nd Conference of the International Organization of Citrus Virologists (IOCV), September 7, 14, 21, and 28, 2022