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Submission Guidelines
Manuscripts submitted to the Electronic Green Journal (EGJ) must be original, unpublished work and must not be simultaneously submitted elsewhere. All submissions, written in English, should be submitted online. Feature articles are reviewed by experts in the field, and after the review process, manuscripts are returned via email for revisions before final acceptance. All materials are edited as necessary for clarity and to conform to EGJ standards.
As EGJ provides all content free of charge, we do not pay for submissions, nor do we charge authors for publication.
Author Guidelines
For publication consideration, authors should prepare manuscripts according to the following guidelines:
- All submissions must include a title page listing all authors, along with their degrees, email addresses, institutional affiliations, full mailing addresses, and phone and fax numbers (including country codes).
- The title, abstract, and author information must be formatted according to the online submission guidelines. Authors must register with the journal before submitting or log in if already registered to begin the submission process.
- The main text must be submitted as a stand-alone Microsoft Word file (without a title page, abstract, page numbers, headers, or footers). PDF submissions are not accepted.
- Submissions must include an abstract of no more than 150 words, summarizing the scope, methodology, and conclusions of the paper.
- Authors are responsible for obtaining permission for any copyrighted material used in the manuscript, including quotations, tables, and illustrations.
- A maximum of three tables and three figures should be included within the text. All tables must be created using the table function within a word processor or generated via a spreadsheet program (e.g., Excel). If authors are unable to format tables professionally, EGJ staff can create them at a charge of $125 per table or figure.
- Authors must follow the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th Edition) for citation formatting, bibliographic references, and stylistic guidelines. The Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) provides guidance at: Purdue OWL – APA 7th Edition.
- The online submission process requires that manuscripts be submitted in separate stages to ensure anonymity in the review process and to enable appropriate formatting.