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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Electronic Green Journal

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Aims and Scope

The Electronic Green Journal (EGJ) is a peer-reviewed publication focused on disseminating information related to environmental protection, sustainability, conservation, natural resource management, and ecologically balanced regional development. Since environmental issues often transcend disciplines and national borders, EGJ welcomes scholarly manuscripts from diverse fields and countries.

As one of the first peer-reviewed environmental online journals, EGJ promotes an open-access publishing model. Since its inception in July 1994, the journal has provided unrestricted access to original articles, book reviews, and information on international environmental topics.

The primary goal of EGJ is to facilitate international scholarly communication on environmental issues. To achieve this, the journal serves as an open and active forum for discussions on environmental sustainability and as an educational resource, offering both practical and scholarly articles, research reports, bibliographies, reviews, editorial comments, and essays.

At the heart of EGJ is its commitment to free access to unbiased, high-quality environmental information, providing an alternative to costly, commercially produced scientific journalsEGJ is designed for information consultants, environmentalists, ecologists, regional planners, publishers, booksellers, researchers, educators, librarians, students, and readers interested in sustainability and the environment
The journal is published semiannually and is indexed by EBSCOHost, ProQuest, and Scopus, and CAB Abstracts,