About American Indian Culture and Research Journal
In print since 1971, the American Indian Culture and Research Journal (AICRJ) is an internationally renowned multidisciplinary journal designed for scholars and researchers. The premier journal in Native American and Indigenous studies, it publishes original scholarly papers and book reviews on a wide range of issues in fields ranging from history to anthropology to cultural studies to education and more. It is published three times per year by the UCLA American Indian Studies Center. All submissions are peer-reviewed.
David Delgado Shorter, University of California, Los Angeles
Editorial Board
Randall Akee, University of California, Los Angeles
Robin Maria Delugan, University of California, Merced
Theresa Gregor, California State University, Long Beach
Inés Hernández-Ávila, University of California, Davis
Felicia Schanche Hodge, University of California, Los Angeles
Shari M. Huhndorf, University of California, Berkeley
Andrew Jolivétte, University of California, San Diego
Paul V. Kroskrity, University of California, Los Angeles
Beth Rose Middleton, University of California, Davis
Michael Connolly Miskwish, Kumeyaay Nation
Angela R. Riley, University of California, Los Angeles
Theresa Stewart-Ambo, University of California, San Diego
Clifford E. Trafzer, University of California, Riverside
Aims and Scope
The AICRJ accepts scholarly essays and commentaries pertaining to the research and vitality concerning Indigenous peoples across the Americas. While most of the essays we have previously published concern the Indigenous peoples of North America, we aim to expand to include topics across the hemisphere. Please note that we do not accept fiction or poetry, although we do include in our scope the literary analysis of fiction and poetry. In our Reviews, we primarily feature reviews of scholarly books, though we also welcome reviews of films and exhibitions that feature or impact the vitality of Native peoples.
A Note on Our Review Process
The AICRJ relies on a fully anonymous peer-review where two experts evaluate the value of the submissions to the field and whether our journal is the appropriate venue for the work. In cases of "revise and resubmit" decisions, a second round of reviews may be required that could entail the same or different reviewers.
Once an essay is submitted, all references to the authors are redacted before sending the essay for review. The identities of our reviewers remain anonymous, unless the reviewer offers the author an explicit invitation to contact them.
We are open to "exception lists" if authors would to prefer us not consider particular reviewers. Please note that the choice of reviewers remains the responsibility of our editorial team.
In the case of special issues, we ask two reviewers to closely read the entire collection in the issue. This request entails between five and nine essays so that reviewers are able to discuss the essays' collective contribution and internal cohesion. For those cases in which the sum of special issue pages reaches that of a book-length manuscript or entails a combination of genres, we may offer modest compensation for reviewers' labor. These amounts will vary depending on the labor requested, ranging between $50.00 and $200.00. Any compensation will be dependent upon the fully completed review being received before the deadline established during the initial query process. The editorial team may elect to send individual articles within special issues to specialist reviewers, who would not be compensated for those individual reviews.
If you would like to be considered as a reviewer for our journal, please contact us and include a résumé/CV as well as your areas of interest. Thank you.