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Open Access Publications from the University of California


In print since 1971, the American Indian Culture and Research Journal (AICRJ) is an internationally renowned multidisciplinary journal designed for scholars and researchers. The premier journal in Native American and Indigenous studies, it publishes original scholarly papers and book reviews on a wide range of issues in fields ranging from history to anthropology to cultural studies to education and more. It is published three times per year by the UCLA American Indian Studies Center.

Volume 46, Issue 3, 2023

2023 Third Issue

Issue cover
Cover Caption:© Joanne Barker (Lenape), "Dragon Fly" (2022)



David Delgado Shorter, Editor in Chief

Front Matter

46.3 Front Matter

Front matter for Issue 46.3


Wash Away Your Sins: Indigenous and Irish Women in Magdalene Laundries and the Poetics of Errant Histories

The history of Magdalene laundries in Ireland is well-documented. Magdalene laundries also existed in the U.S., but their existence and impact are less widely known. In 1914, several young Indigenous women were sent from the Carlisle Indian Industrial School in Carlisle, Pennsylvania to the House of the Good Shepherd in Reading, Pennsylvania as punishment for perceived behavioral infractions. Placing Indigenous and Irish women's experiences of forced confinement into conversation with one another, this article calls for a more capacious understanding of the legacy of the U.S. federal boarding school system and the carceral institutions that comprised the settler apparatus.

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Recovering Hiram Chase

Hiram Chase III (1861-1928) was an Omaha Indian and the first Native person to pass the Nebraska State Bar in 1889....This paper examines Chase's speech to the 1911 Convention of the Society of American Indians and prints and comments on two brief, previously unpublished biographical notes of Chase by his sons, Hiram IV and Kenneth Chase.

COVID-19 and New Mexico Daily Newspaper Coverage of Native American Government Elected Leaders

This empirical content analysis of news coverage by New Mexico’s largest-circulation daily newspapers of Native American leaders before and during the Covid-19pandemic – a total of 1,314 articles – reveals stark disproportionality. Six of the eight dailies increased news coverage of the Navajo Nation president, with the statewide-circulation Albuquerque Journal stepping up its efforts dramatically. Arguably, the state’s Apache presidents and Pueblo governors were subjected to erasure via denial of difference, as the voice of the Navajo Nation president was effectively substituted for those of his Apache and Pueblo counterparts. Recommendations are offered to reduce the problem.

Historical Wisdom: Data Analysis and Reimagining in Anti-Oppressive Research Methodologies

Using anti-oppressive methodologies, the Chihuum Piiuywmk Inach/Gathering of Good Minds (CPI/GoGM) project reimagined inclusive pathways for data analysis in health equity Community Engaged Research (CER). Transformations in CER methodologies that decenter colonial and institutional systems of oppression and center Indigenous epistemologies are on the rise. There is, however, a paucity of guidance on data analysis in CER. The CPI/GoGM’s historical trauma project is a grounded demonstration of inclusion and building relational research spaces that support Indigenous epistemologies. Community inclusion in data analysis is an intervention and next step for equity in CER and a call for epistemic justice. 

Indigenous Methodologies of Care and Movement

In this essay, I examine how research methodologies can draw from Indigenous peoples’ care work and mobilities to contribute towards Indigenous futurities. I draw on stories of my own research trajectory, that has been shaped by the support of Mushkegowuk women, and bring them into dialogue with Indigenous feminist theorizations of futurities, relationalities, care ethics and movement. I examine how methodologies of care can act as extensions of relations of care, and in the process, activate the complexities and expansiveness of Indigenous community, or what I call Indigenous relational geographies, through movement across lands and waters. I reflect on how Indigenous movement is learned and embodied through relations with the non-human world by grounding my discussion in the significance of water relations in the muskegs in so-called northern Ontario Canada and how they have helped me understand Mushkegowuk kinship relations as rippling out in and beyond that region. Overall, I am interested in how mobile relations of care evoke full and fluid conceptions of Indigenous kinship that exceed colonial spatialities, and end by considering how these relationships are crucial in shaping the visions and material relations of Indigenous and anti-colonial futurities moving forward.   

Warrior Women: Indigenous Women, Gender Relations, and Sexual Politics within the American Indian Movement and at Wounded Knee

The main purpose of this article is to describe and analyze Indigenous women’sparticipation in the prolonged takeover of Wounded Knee in 1973. Indigenouswomen’s grassroots activism was fundamental for sustaining and keeping the occu-pation alive, yet their contributions were largely eclipsed by the actions of theirmedia-savvy, male comrades-in-arms. What is more important, Indigenous women inthe American Indian Movement (AIM) frequently claimed that they were in a state of“double oppression” or “double colonization”—first, through colonial domination andracial inequality, and second, through male privilege and female subordination—itself,part of the legacy of colonization and the imposition of dominant white patriarchalmasculinity.2 Nationalist struggles such as that of the anticolonial AIM tend to repli-cate the very structures of male dominance that they struggle against. While womenhave been included in public discourse, they have been largely left out of politicaldecision-making.3

At Wounded Knee, Indigenous women took on a series of interrelated roles andresponsibilities that kept the occupation alive. Indigenous women skillfully renegoti-ated their gendered position of power within the masculinist organization, constructingfemininities that shifted between domesticated motherhood and female comrades-in-arms. In so doing, they both reaffirmed and challenged sexist and chauvinist attitudes within AIM. They were well known as long-standing community organizers, andtheir active participation at the Wounded Knee takeover was an indication of female empowerment. 


Creating Joy: Connecting Your Tribal Background to Your Research Studies

Research is personal, as it is something one devotes much time toward. Due to the personal nature of research, one’s identities can be intertwined in this work. Being Indigenous and connecting with my own sense of belonging, I thought it was fitting to use an Indigenous research paradigm from an Anishinaabe perspective to guide my research for my dissertation. Throughout this journey, I found something that created a spark within me that has connected me even closer to my studies, my tribal background, and my work in student affairs. Throughout this reflection, I will walk you through my journey and the process of how I indigenized my research.
