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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Center for Agroecology

The Cultivar Newsletter bannerUC Santa Cruz

The Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems is a research, education, and public service program at the University of California, Santa Cruz, dedicated to increasing ecological sustainability and social justice in the food and agriculture system. Our mission is to research, develop, and advance sustainable food and agricultural systems that are environmentally sound, economically viable, socially responsible, nonexploitative, and that serve as a foundation for future generations. The Center's work covers a spectrum that includes both theoretical and applied research, academic education and practical training, and public service for audiences ranging from local school children to international agencies. The Center is a part of UCSC's Social Sciences Division.

On the UCSC campus the Center manages the 25-acre UCSC Farm and the 2-acre Alan Chadwick Garden as sites for teaching, training, and research in organic horticulture and agricutlure. Both sites are open to the public daily.

Dr. Daniel Press, Director
University of California, Santa Cruz
1156 High St.
Santa Cruz, CA 95064

Cover page of The Cultivar, Spring/Summer 2009

The Cultivar, Spring/Summer 2009


Feature articles:

Lygus Study Looks at Pest, Predator Movements

Agricultural Justice Project Addresses Social Issues

Farm-to-Institution Study Surveys College Student Preferences, Perspectives

Grow a Farmer Campaign Reaches Goal

Block Planting Plan for CSA Developed

Organic Network Reports on Research

Center Expands Undergraduate Opportunities

Cover page of The Cultivar, Spring/Summer 2008

The Cultivar, Spring/Summer 2008


Feature articles:

Apprenticeship Graduates Put Skills to Work in Local Food, Farming Efforts

Study Examines Factors in Farming Conservation Practices

Cover Crops Offer Soil, Pest Management Options

Farm-to-College Efforts Help "Green" Campus Food Systems

Strawberry Study Shows Value of Crop Rotations

Cover page of The Cultivar newsletter, Spring/Winter 2007

The Cultivar newsletter, Spring/Winter 2007


Feature articles:

Looking Back on Four Decades of Innovation

Blueberry Trial Shows Promise

Farm-to-Institution Study Offers Insights

Farm-to-College Works Expands

40th Anniversary Celebrated

Sam Farr Honored

Sustainable Ag Education Association Debuts

Together at the Table Reviewed

Reflecting on French Intensive Gardening

Apprenticeship Housing Campaign Underway

Cover page of The Cultivar newslettter, Fall/Winter 2006

The Cultivar newslettter, Fall/Winter 2006


Feature articles:

Center Researchers Lead USDA-funded Study of Farm-to-Institution Programs

Watershed Monitoring Efforts Expanded

Farm-to-College Set to Go Systemwide

For the Gardener: Growing Spinach, Beets, and Chard

Cover page of The Cultivar newsletter, Spring/Summer 2006

The Cultivar newsletter, Spring/Summer 2006


Feature articles:

UCSC Makes the Farm-to-College Connection

Center Hosts National Conference on Sustainable Agriculture Education

Center Researchers Use Parasitoid for Lygus Control in Organic Strawberries

Second International CSA Conference Convenes

Cover page of The Cultivar newsletter, Fall/Winter 2005

The Cultivar newsletter, Fall/Winter 2005


Feature articles:

Phosphorus Monitoring in Local Watersheds

Garden Classroom Tapped as Regional Training Center

Organic Rose Primer Published

Consumer Interest Examined

Tips for Growing Lettuce Using Organic Techniques

Cover page of The Cultivar newsletter, Spring/Summer 2005

The Cultivar newsletter, Spring/Summer 2005


Feature Articles:

Serving the Public in a Public University

Community-Based Research

On-Line Sustainable Agriculture Curriculum Resource Developed

Center Plans National Sustainable Agriculture Educators Conference

Organic Rose Care: Selecting, Siting, and Planting

Cover page of The Cultivar newsletter, Fall/Winter 2004

The Cultivar newsletter, Fall/Winter 2004


Feature Articles:

USDA Grant Funds Central Coast Organic Research

Center Examines Central Coast Consumers' Interest in Food Systems Issues

New Training Manual on Direct Marketing and Small Farm Viability Released

New Book on Changes in Food System Released

Tips for Growing Stone Fruit in Backyard Gardens

Cover page of The Cultivar newsletter, Spring/Summer 2004

The Cultivar newsletter, Spring/Summer 2004


Feature articles:

Trap Crops in Organic Strawberry Production

International Meeting on Community Supported Agriculture

Blueberry Variety Trial at the UCSC Farm

Impacts of GM Plants on Wild Relatives of California Crops

Gopher Control on Organic Farms

Cover page of The Cultivar newsletter, Spring/Summer 2001

The Cultivar newsletter, Spring/Summer 2001


Feature articles:

Symphylans research project

Alternative food initiatives

GE food debate

Apprenticing examined

Strawberry variety trial results