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Open Access Publications from the University of California

UCLA Historical Journal

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This is an archive of the UCLA Historical Journal (1981–2018). Instituted by UCLA history graduate students in 1980, the journal's objectives were twofold: to allow graduate students the opportunity to publish their work in a scholarly journal, and to acquaint graduate students with writings and methodologies from various historical fields which might be relevant to their own interests and pursuits.

Book Reviews

Ramkrishna Mukherjee. Uganda: An Historical Accident?: Class, Natona, State Formation. Trenton, New Jersey: Africa World Press, 1985 281pp.

[Cole P. Dodge and Magne Raundelen, eds. War, Violence and Children in Uganda. Oslo: Norwegian University Press, 1987. xvi + 159 pp.

Holger B. Hansen and Michael Twaddle, eds. Uganda Now: Between Decay and Development. Athens: Ohio University Press, 1988. 376 pp.]