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This is an archive of the UCLA Historical Journal (1981–2018). Instituted by UCLA history graduate students in 1980, the journal's objectives were twofold: to allow graduate students the opportunity to publish their work in a scholarly journal, and to acquaint graduate students with writings and methodologies from various historical fields which might be relevant to their own interests and pursuits.
Volume 20, 2004
Front Matter
[Front Matter]
[No abstract]
The Mystic Hordes of Memory: How Thomas Nast went from Five Points to Frank Leslie's Illustrated News
[No abstract]
Ireland's Neutrality Policy in World War II: The Impact of Belligerent Pressures on the Implementation of Neutrality
[No abstract]
The Priest and the Tsaricide
[No abstract]
Book Reviews
Jim Weeks, Gettysburg: Memory, Market, and an American Shrine. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2003. 267 pp. $29.95 (Hard). ISBN: 0691102716.
[Thomas A. Desjardin, These Honored Dead: How the Story of Gettysburg Shaped American Memory. Cambridge, Mass: Da Capo Press, 2003. 246 pp. $26.00 (Hard). ISBN:0306812673.]
End Matter
[No abstract]