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Open Access Publications from the University of California

The Chatbot files manage questions about the chatbot and help discover and remember information about the client. They give the chatbot personality and provide the code for some of the interactions between the bot and client.

There are 2 chatbot files, they are designated as b_"keyword" and are 35 KB each. They can be downloaded individually or as a collection in a zip file.

ANTswers Program Files - Bot (zipped)


This file contains all 2 of the bot .aiml files that deal with the chatbot personality and remembering information about the client.  Unzip using 7-zip and edit in Notepad ++.

  • 1 supplemental file

ANTswers Program Files b_chatbot profile


This .aiml file covers information related to the chatbot personality. Edit the file using Notepad ++.

  • 1 supplemental file

ANTswers Program Files b_client profile


This .aiml file covers information related to remembering client information. Edit the file using Notepad ++.

  • 1 supplemental file