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Open Access Publications from the University of California

UC Irvine Libraries

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The UCI Libraries provide vital leadership in UCI's distinction as a premier research university. The Libraries are committed to supporting and inspiring members of UCI's diverse community to create and contribute new models of research, scholarship, and innovations in all academic subject areas.

To that end, the UCI Libraries have created two spaces for the depositing and sharing of publications by UCI affiliates. The first is dedicated to research produced by members of the Library Association of the University of California, Irvine (LAUC-I) and library staff (see below).

The second is more general in scope and is open to faculty partnering with the UCI Libraries and whose contributions do not fall in the purview of any of the campus' established research centers, departments, and programs. This research is linked in the left sidebar under “Affiliated Units”.

UC Irvine Libraries

There are 542 publications in this collection, published between 1981 and 2024.
Archival Research Fellowship Papers (2)

Protest in Practice: The University of California Irvine's Place in the Anti-Vietnam War Movement from 1965-1970

"Protest in Practice" explores the tactics of resistance emplyed by students and faculty on several college campuses during the anti-Vietnam War movement. It focuses on the uniquely peaceful and open character of the protests that took place on the UCI campus in comparison to other institutions and highlights how that character lead to a positive relationship between the students, faculty, and the wider Orange County community. Ultimately, this report proves that the University of California Irvine played a vital role in the anti-war movement despite common beliefs.

The Private City: Irvine (Company), California

This paper describes privatization of land use regulation in Irvine, California as a descendant of the technique of using private companies to undertake the government function of colonization. It argues that privatization of land use decision-making originated far earlier than the 20th century, and asserts that The Irvine Company is able to exercise tremendous control over the city of Irvine in large part because of the strong foundation of private ownership established under the Spanish colonial regime.

LAUC-I and Library Staff Research (224)

Research Data Management: Tools & Services

On 7 January 2013, the UCI Libraries co-sponsored, with the Office of Research and the Office of Information Technology (OIT)  a "town hall" for faculty on e-research and research computing, in connection with the ongoing Faculty Assessment of the State of Research Computing (FASRC). This presentation focuses on research data management tools and services available via UCI Libraries.

Proof of Concept: The Fatal First Click: How Do We Hook Them, Once We've Got Them to Look?

As the age of electronic information matures, library websites have emerged as primary service points that inform users of the services and resources available to them. Regardless of how rich the resources, how pleasing the graphic design, how easy the navigation, and how actively librarians promote the use of the website, the truth is that the majority of library websites serve simply as link providers, many of which are accompanied by explanatory text. In this paper, we will present a proof of concept that we can use to proactively entice and inform users about services and resources selected to meet their individual information needs. The proof of concept is built using information and tools that are readily available to any library. We will showcase examples of electronically mediated services with differing levels of ease of implementation.

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Other Recent Work (17)

The Born-Digital Manuscript as Cultural Form and Intellectual Record

Archives and manuscript librarians use the term "born digital" to refer to personal papers that were created using a computer, received by the archives as computer files, and accessed by researchers electronically. Using Richard Rorty's word-processing files as illustration, this paper discusses the significance of these technological conditions of production and reception for how this type of manuscript may be handled by an archivist and presented to researchers seeking to learn about a scholar's intellectual work. The author works as an archivist at the University of California, Irvine Libraries, where she processed the Richard Rorty Papers for the Critical Theory Archive.

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UCI Open Access Publishing Fund (31)

Membrane Biophysics Define Neuron and Astrocyte Progenitors in the Neural Lineage

Neural stem and progenitor cells (NSPCs) are heterogeneous populations of self-renewing stem cells and more committed progenitors that differentiate into neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes. Accurately identifying and characterizing the different progenitor cells in this lineage has continued to be a challenge for the field. We found previously that populations of NSPCs with more neurogenic progenitors (NPs) can be distinguished from those with more astrogenic progenitors (APs) by their inherent biophysical properties, specifically the electrophysiological property of whole cell membrane capacitance, which we characterized with dielectrophoresis (DEP). Here, we hypothesize that inherent electrophysiological properties are sufficient to define NPs and APs and test this by determining whether isolation of cells solely by these properties specifically separates NPs and APs. We found NPs and APs are enriched in distinct fractions after separation by electrophysiological properties using DEP. A single round of DEP isolation provided greater NP enrichment than sorting with PSA-NCAM, which is considered an NP marker. Additionally, cell surface N-linked glycosylation was found to significantly affect cell fate-specific electrophysiological properties, providing a molecular basis for the cell membrane characteristics. Inherent plasma membrane biophysical properties are thus sufficient to define progenitor cells of differing fate potential in the neural lineage, can be used to specifically isolate these cells, and are linked to patterns of glycosylation on the cell surface. STEM CELLS 2014;32:706–716

  • 4 supplemental images
  • 1 supplemental video
  • 1 supplemental file

A moving-barber-pole illusion.

In the barber-pole illusion (BPI), a diagonally moving grating is perceived as moving vertically because of the shape of the vertically oriented window through which it is viewed-a strong shape-motion interaction. We introduce a novel stimulus-the moving barber pole-in which a diagonal, drifting sinusoidal carrier is windowed by a raised, vertical, drifting sinusoidal modulator that moves independently of the carrier. In foveal vision, the moving-barber-pole stimulus can be perceived as several active barber poles drifting horizontally but also as other complex dynamic patterns. In peripheral vision, pure vertical motion (the moving-barber-pole illusion [MBPI]) is perceived for a wide range of conditions. In foveal vision, the MBPI is observed, but only when the higher-order modulator motion is masked. Theories to explain the BPI make indiscriminable predictions in a standard barber-pole display. But, in moving-barber-pole stimuli, the motion directions of features (e.g., end stops) of the first-order carrier and of the higher-order modulator are all different from the MBPI. High temporal frequency stimuli viewed peripherally greatly reduce the effectiveness of higher-order motion mechanisms and, ideally, isolate a single mechanism responsible for the MBPI. A three-stage motion-path integration mechanism that (a) computes local motion energies, (b) integrates them for a limited time period along various spatial paths, and (c) selects the path with the greatest motion energy, quantitatively accounts for these high-frequency data. The MBPI model also accounts for the perceived motion-direction in peripherally viewed moving-barber-pole stimuli that do and do not exhibit the MBPI over the entire range of modulator (0-10 Hz) and carrier (2.5-10 Hz) temporal frequencies tested.

Examining the Social Porosity of Environmental Features on Neighborhood Sociability and Attachment

The local neighborhood forms an integral part of our lives. It provides the context through which social networks are nurtured and the foundation from which a sense of attachment and cohesion with fellow residents can be established. Whereas much of the previous research has examined the role of social and demographic characteristic in relation to the level of neighboring and cohesion, this paper explores whether particular environmental features in the neighborhood affect social porosity. We define social porosity as the degree to which social ties flow over the surface of a neighborhood. The focus of our paper is to examine the extent to which a neighborhood's environmental features impede the level of social porosity present among residents. To do this, we integrate data from the census, topographic databases and a 2010 survey of 4,351 residents from 146 neighborhoods in Australia. The study introduces the concepts of wedges and social holes. The presence of two sources of wedges is measured: rivers and highways. The presence of two sources of social holes is measured: parks and industrial areas. Borrowing from the geography literature, several measures are constructed to capture how these features collectively carve up the physical environment of neighborhoods. We then consider how this influences residents' neighboring behavior, their level of attachment to the neighborhood and their sense of neighborhood cohesion. We find that the distance of a neighborhood to one form of social hole–industrial areas–has a particularly strong negative effect on all three dependent variables. The presence of the other form of social hole–parks–has a weaker negative effect. Neighborhood wedges also impact social interaction. Both the length of a river and the number of highway fragments in a neighborhood has a consistent negative effect on neighboring, attachment and cohesion.

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