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Open Access Publications from the University of California

LBL Publications

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) has been a leader in science and engineering research for more than 70 years. Located on a 200 acre site in the hills above the Berkeley campus of the University of California, overlooking the San Francisco Bay, Berkeley Lab is a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) National Laboratory managed by the University of California. It has an annual budget of nearly $480 million (FY2002) and employs a staff of about 4,300, including more than a thousand students.

Berkeley Lab conducts unclassified research across a wide range of scientific disciplines with key efforts in fundamental studies of the universe; quantitative biology; nanoscience; new energy systems and environmental solutions; and the use of integrated computing as a tool for discovery. It is organized into 17 scientific divisions and hosts four DOE national user facilities. Details on Berkeley Lab's divisions and user facilities can be viewed here.

Assessing the behavioral realism of energy system models in light of the consumer adoption literature


Effective policymaking to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions demands an understanding of the complex drivers of, and barriers to, consumer adoption behavior via behaviorally realistic energy system models. Existing models tend to oversimplify by focusing on homogenized financial factors while neglecting consumer heterogeneity and non-monetary influences. This study develops and applies a comprehensive framework for evaluating the behavioral realism of consumer adoption models, informed by the adoption literature. It introduces a typology for factors influencing low-carbon technology adoption decisions: monetary and nonmonetary factors relating to household characteristics, psychology, technological attributes, and contextual conditions. Next, reviews of the consumer adoption and decision-making literature identify the most influential adoption factor categories for distributed solar photovoltaics, electric vehicles, and air-source heat pumps. Finally, the extent to which a selection of energy system models accounts for these adoption factors is assessed. Existing models predominantly emphasize the economic aspects of technology, which are generally identified as the most important factors. Where the models fall short — in considering moderately important factor categories — sector-specific and agent-based models can offer more behaviorally realistic insights. This study sheds light on which types of factors are most important for consumer adoption decisions and investigates how well current models rise to the challenge of behavioral realism. The end-to-end analysis presented enables internally consistent comparisons across models and energy technologies. This research advances timely conversations on consumer adoption. It could inform more behaviorally realistic energy system modeling, and thereby more effective decarbonization policymaking.

Cover page of Semi-automatic image annotation using 3D LiDAR projections and depth camera data

Semi-automatic image annotation using 3D LiDAR projections and depth camera data


Efficient image annotation is necessary to utilize deep learning object recognition neural networks in nuclear safeguards, such as for the detection and localization of target objects like nuclear material containers (NMCs). This capability can help automate the inventory accounting of different types of NMCs within nuclear storage facilities. The conventional manual annotation process is labor-intensive and time-consuming, hindering the rapid deployment of deep learning models for NMC identifications. This paper introduces a novel semi-automatic method for annotating 2D images of nuclear material containers (NMCs) by combining 3D light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data with color and depth camera images collected from a handheld scan system. The annotation pipeline involves an operator manually marking new target objects on a LiDAR-generated map, and projecting these 3D locations to images, thereby automatically creating annotations from the projections. The semi-automatic approach significantly reduces manual efforts and the expertise in image annotation that is required to perform the task, allowing deep learning models to be trained on-site within a few hours. The paper compares the performance of models trained on datasets annotated through various methods, including semi-automatic, manual, and commercial annotation services. The evaluation demonstrates that the semi-automatic annotation method achieves comparable or superior results, with a mean average precision (mAP) above 0.9, showcasing its efficiency in training object recognition models. Additionally, the paper explores the application of the proposed method to instance segmentation, achieving promising results in detecting multiple types of NMCs in various formations.

Cover page of The power reliability event simulator tool (PRESTO): A novel approach to distribution system reliability analysis and applications

The power reliability event simulator tool (PRESTO): A novel approach to distribution system reliability analysis and applications


The growing interest in onsite solar photovoltaic and energy storage systems is partially motivated by customer concerns regarding grid reliability. However, accurately assessing the effectiveness of PVESS in mitigating these interruptions requires a comprehensive understanding of location-specific outage patterns and the ability to simulate realistic scenarios. To address the gap, we introduce the Power Reliability Event Simulation TOol (PRESTO), the first publicly available tool that simulates location-specific power interruptions at the county level. PRESTO allows for a more realistic assessment of system reliability by considering the unpredictability and location-specific patterns of power interruptions. We applied PRESTO in a case study of a single-family home across three U.S. counties, examining the performance of a solar photovoltaic system with 10 kWh of battery storage during short-duration power interruptions. Our findings show that this system reliably met 93 % of energy demand for essential non-heating and cooling loads, fully serving these loads in 84 % of events, despite the constraints of daily time-of-use bill management which limits the battery's state-of-charge reserve. However, when heating and cooling loads were included, system performance decreased significantly, with only 70 % of demand met and full service in 43 % of events. These results highlight the challenges of using solar photovoltaic and energy storage systems for short-duration outages, emphasizing the need to consider factors like battery size and grid charging strategies to improve reliability. Our study demonstrates the practical applications of PRESTO, providing valuable insights into potential mitigation strategies including grid charging and optimizing battery size. © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Residual resistance ratio measurement system for Nb3Sn wires extracted from Rutherford cables


Residual resistance ratio (RRR) of superconducting strands is an important parameter for magnet electrical stability. RRR serves as a measure of the low-temperature electrical conductivity of the copper within a conductor that has a copper stabilization matrix. For Nb3Sn, due to the need of a reaction heat treatment, the technical requirements for high quality measurements of strands extracted from Rutherford cables are particularly demanding. Quality of wire, cabling deformation, heat treatment temperature, heat treatment atmosphere, sample handling, and measurement methods can all affect the RRR. Therefore, as an integral part of the electrical quality control (QC) of Nb3Sn Rutherford cables manufactured at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, it was prudent that we established a RRR measurement system that can isolate the assessment of cable-fabrication-related impacts from sample preparation and measurement factors. Here we describe a bespoke cryocooler-based measurement system, capable of measuring RRR of over 80 samples in a single cooldown. The samples are mounted on custom-designed printed circuit boards that accommodate the shape of strands extracted from a Rutherford cable without added deformation, which we will show is critical in ensuring that the measurements accurately represent the RRR values of the conductor within the cable. Using this sample mounting solution, we routinely measure the overall RRR of the strand as well as individual intra-strand sections corresponding to both cable edges and cable broad faces with high reproducibility. Such measurements provide valuable information on the variation of RRR along the length of the strands as well as across strand productions and cable runs over time.

A semantics-driven framework to enable demand flexibility control applications in real buildings


Decarbonising and digitalising the energy sector requires scalable and interoperable Demand Flexibility (DF) applications. Semantic models are promising technologies for achieving these goals, but existing studies focused on DF applications exhibit limitations. These include dependence on bespoke ontologies, lack of computational methods to generate semantic models, ineffective temporal data management and absence of platforms that use these models to easily develop, configure and deploy controls in real buildings. This paper introduces a semantics-driven framework to enable DF control applications in real buildings. The framework supports the generation of semantic models that adhere to Brick and SAREF while using metadata from Building Information Models (BIM) and Building Automation Systems (BAS). The work also introduces a web platform that leverages these models and an actor and microservices architecture to streamline the development, configuration and deployment of DF controls. The paper demonstrates the framework through a case study, illustrating its ability to integrate diverse data sources, execute DF actuation in a real building, and promote modularity for easy reuse, extension, and customisation of applications. The paper also discusses the alignment between Brick and SAREF, the value of leveraging BIM data sources, and the framework's benefits over existing approaches, demonstrating a 75% reduction in effort for developing, configuring, and deploying building controls.

Cover page of Effect of different crystallographic properties on the electrical conductivity of two polymorphs of a spin crossover complex

Effect of different crystallographic properties on the electrical conductivity of two polymorphs of a spin crossover complex


In this study, the structure and transport properties of two polymorphs, nanoparticles and nanorods, of the iron(II) triazole [Fe(Htrz)2(trz)](BF4) spin crossover complex were compared. Conductive atomic force microscopy was used to map the electrical conductivity of individual nanoparticles and nanorods. The [Fe(Htrz)2(trz)](BF4) nanorods showed significantly higher conductivity compared to nanoparticles. This difference in electrical conductivity is partially associated to the different Fe-N bond lengths in each of the polymorphs, with an inverse relationship between Fe-N bond length and conductivity. Transport measurements were done on the nanorods for both high spin (at 380 K) and low spin (at 320 K) states under dark and illuminated conditions. The conductance is highest for the low spin state under dark conditions. In illumination, the conductance change is much diminished.

Cover page of Efficient separation of carbon dioxide and methane in high-pressure and wet gas mixtures using Zr-MOF-808

Efficient separation of carbon dioxide and methane in high-pressure and wet gas mixtures using Zr-MOF-808


The capture and separation of carbon dioxide (CO2) has been the focus of a plethora of research in order to mitigate its emissions and contribute to global development. Given that CO2 is commonly found in natural gas streams, there have been efforts to seek more efficient materials to separate gaseous mixtures such as CO2/CH4. However, there are only a few reports regarding adsorption processes within pressurized systems. In the offshore scenario, natural gas streams still exhibit high moisture content, necessitating a greater understanding of processes in moist systems. In this article, a metal-organic framework synthesis based on zirconium (MOF-808) was carried out through a conventional solvothermal method and autoclave for the adsorption of CO2 and CH4 under different temperatures (45–65 °C) and pressures up to 100 bar. Furthermore, the adsorption of humid CO2 was evaluated using thermal analyses. The MOF-808 synthesized in autoclave showed a high surface area (1502 m2/g), a high capacity for CO2 adsorption at 50 bar and 45 °C and had a low selectivity to capture CH4 molecules. It also exhibited a fine stability after five cycles of CO2 adsorption and desorption at 50 bar and 45 °C − as confirmed by structural post-adsorption analyses while maintaining its adsorption capacity and crystallinity. Furthermore, it can be observed that the adsorption capacity increased in a humid environment, and that the adsorbent remained stable after adsorption cycles in the presence of moisture. Finally, it was possible to confirm the occurrence of physisorption processes through nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analyses, thus validating the choice of mild temperatures for regeneration and contributing to the reduction of energy consumption in processing plants.

Cover page of VAN-DAMME: GPU-accelerated and symmetry-assisted quantum optimal control of multi-qubit systems

VAN-DAMME: GPU-accelerated and symmetry-assisted quantum optimal control of multi-qubit systems


We present an open-source software package, VAN-DAMME (Versatile Approaches to Numerically Design, Accelerate, and Manipulate Magnetic Excitations), for massively-parallelized quantum optimal control (QOC) calculations of multi-qubit systems. To enable large QOC calculations, the VAN-DAMME software package utilizes symmetry-based techniques with custom GPU-enhanced algorithms. This combined approach allows for the simultaneous computation of hundreds of matrix exponential propagators that efficiently leverage the intra-GPU parallelism found in high-performance GPUs. In addition, to maximize the computational efficiency of the VAN-DAMME code, we carried out several extensive tests on data layout, computational complexity, memory requirements, and performance. These extensive analyses allowed us to develop computationally efficient approaches for evaluating complex-valued matrix exponential propagators based on Padé approximants. To assess the computational performance of our GPU-accelerated VAN-DAMME code, we carried out QOC calculations of systems containing 10 - 15 qubits, which showed that our GPU implementation is 18.4× faster than the corresponding CPU implementation. Our GPU-accelerated enhancements allow efficient calculations of multi-qubit systems, which can be used for the efficient implementation of QOC applications across multiple domains. Program summary: Program Title: VAN-DAMME CPC Library link to program files:: Licensing provisions: GNU General Public License 3 Programming language: C++ and CUDA Nature of problem: The VAN-DAMME software package utilizes GPU-accelerated routines and new algorithmic improvements to compute optimized time-dependent magnetic fields that can drive a system from a known initial qubit configuration to a specified target state with a large (≈1) transition probability. Solution method: Quantum control, GPU acceleration, analytic gradients, matrix exponential, and gradient ascent optimization.

Cover page of The EGS Collab project: Outcomes and lessons learned from hydraulic fracture stimulations in crystalline rock at 1.25 and 1.5 km depth

The EGS Collab project: Outcomes and lessons learned from hydraulic fracture stimulations in crystalline rock at 1.25 and 1.5 km depth


With the goal of better understanding stimulation in crystalline rock for improving enhanced geothermal systems (EGS), the EGS Collab Project performed a series of stimulations and flow tests at 1.25 and 1.5 km depths. The tests were performed in two well-instrumented testbeds in the Sanford Underground Research Facility in Lead, South Dakota, United States. The testbed for Experiment 1 at 1.5 km depth contained two open wells for injection and production and six instrumented monitoring wells surrounding the targeted stimulation zone. Four multi-step stimulation tests targeting hydraulic fracturing and nearly year-long ambient temperature and chilled water flow tests were performed in Experiment 1. The testbed for Experiments 2 and 3 was at 1.25 km depth and contained five open wells in an outwardly fanning five-spot pattern and two fans of well-instrumented monitoring wells surrounding the targeted stimulation zone. Experiment 2 targeted shear stimulation, and Experiment 3 targeted low-flow, high-flow, and oscillating pressure stimulation strategies. Hydraulic fracturing was successful in Experiments 1 and 3 in generating a connected system wherein injected water could be collected. However, the resulting flow was distributed dynamically, and not entirely collected at the anticipated production well. Thermal breakthrough was not observed in the production well, but that could have been masked by the Joule-Thomson effect. Shear stimulation in Experiment 2 did not occur – despite attempting to pressurize the fractures most likely to shear – because of the inability to inject water into a mostly-healed fracture, and the low shear-to-normal stress ratio. The EGS Collab experiments are described to provide a background for lessons learned on topics including induced seismicity, the correlation between seismicity and permeability, distributed and dynamic flow systems, thermoelastic and pressure effects, shear stimulation, local geology, thermal breakthrough, monitoring stimulation, grouting boreholes, modeling, and system management.