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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Planet Microbe: a platform for marine microbiology to discover and analyze interconnected omics and environmental data.


In recent years, large-scale oceanic sequencing efforts have provided a deeper understanding of marine microbial communities and their dynamics. These research endeavors require the acquisition of complex and varied datasets through large, interdisciplinary and collaborative efforts. However, no unifying framework currently exists for the marine science community to integrate sequencing data with physical, geological, and geochemical datasets. Planet Microbe is a web-based platform that enables data discovery from curated historical and on-going oceanographic sequencing efforts. In Planet Microbe, each omics sample is linked with other biological and physiochemical measurements collected for the same water samples or during the same sample collection event, to provide a broader environmental context. This work highlights the need for curated aggregation efforts that can enable new insights into high-quality metagenomic datasets. Planet Microbe is freely accessible from

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