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Open Access Publications from the University of California

The CATESOL Journal

The CATESOL Journal bannerUC Berkeley

A Model of Service-Learning for Intensive English Programs

Published Web Location Commons 'BY' version 4.0 license

Intensive English programs in the US have begun to take advantage of a growing service-learning movement as a means of involving nonnative speakers in their new communities while improving their language skills. This article describes a service-learning class taught through an IEP program at a small California extension program through which university-aged foreign students volunteer on a weekly basis at various local and national organizations. It discusses the phases and aspects of the service-learning course, from initial placement with organizations, to in-class and academic assignments related to the volunteer work, to how students reflect on their own learning. The article also describes common challenges and benefits of employing a service-learning curriculum and provides resources at the end.

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