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Open Access Publications from the University of California

University Honors

UCR Honors Capstones 2023-2024 bannerUC Riverside



What is the best way to spend money on an election? While it may seem the best to spendcampaign funds on furthering your campaign through advertising, the most optimal way to winan election may be to spend on other candidates. This project is a political science project basedon the idea that using campaign funds on other candidates may be the best way to win anelection. The outcome of this can be that candidates match up better against one candidate ratherthan the other due to factors such as charisma, career experience, and position in politics. Anexample of this is that funds may go to a candidate that is more radical politically while thecandidate spending the money is more moderate. Therefore, the more moderate candidate willappeal to a much wider audience and therefore win rather than going against another moderatecandidate. This idea will be based around Game Theory and using statistical models to showcasethis idea. This strategy is something not commonly used, but hopefully, this project showcasesthe effectiveness of this unorthodox method.

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