Generation and control of nonlocal chiral currents in graphene superlattices by orbital Hall effect
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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Generation and control of nonlocal chiral currents in graphene superlattices by orbital Hall effect


Graphene-based superlattices offer a unique materials playground to exploit and control a higher number of electronic degrees of freedom, such as charge, spin, or valley for disruptive technologies. Recently, orbital effects, emerging in multivalley band structures lacking inversion symmetry, have been discussed as possible mechanisms for developing . Here, we report nonlocal transport measurements in small gap hBN/graphene/hBN moiré superlattices which reveal very strong magnetic field-induced chiral response which is stable up to sizable temperatures. The measured sign dependence of the nonlocal signal with respect to the magnetic field orientation clearly indicates the manifestation of emerging orbital magnetic moments. The interpretation of experimental data is well supported by numerical simulations, and the reported phenomenon stands as a formidable way of manipulation of the transverse flow of orbital information that could enable the design of orbitronic devices. Published by the American Physical Society 2024

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