Synthesizing Particle-in-Cell Simulations Through Learning and GPU Computing for Hybrid Particle Accelerator Beamlines
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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Synthesizing Particle-in-Cell Simulations Through Learning and GPU Computing for Hybrid Particle Accelerator Beamlines


Particle accelerator modeling is an important field of research and development, essential to investigating, designing and operating some of the most complex scientific devices ever built. Kinetic simulations of relativistic, charged particle beams and advanced plasma accelerator elements are often performed with high-fidelity particle-in-cell simulations, some of which fill the largest GPU supercomputers. Start-to-end modeling of a particle accelerator includes many elements and it is desirable to integrate and model advanced accelerator elements fast, in effective models. Traditionally, analytical and reduced-physics models fill this role. The vast data from high-fidelity simulations and power of GPU-accelerated computation open a new opportunity to complement traditional modeling without approximations: surrogate modeling through machine learning. In this paper, we implement, present and benchmark such a data-driven workflow, synthesising a fully GPU-accelerated, conventional-surrogate simulation for hybrid particle accelerator beamlines.

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