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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Dermatology Online Journal

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A unique presentation of diffuse multiple eruptive milia


Milia are small, benign firm white papules that commonly manifest on the face and torso. Several subtypes exist, including multiple eruptive milia-a condition characterized by the eruption of numerous milia that arise over the course of weeks to months. Although limited literature exists on this rare presentation, there seems to be no uniform patient demographic, etiology, or consistent anatomical localization of the milia. We describe a case of multiple eruptive milia presenting diffusely across the cheeks, forehead, superior neck, and preauricular and postauricular skin of an adult female. Additionally, this case is particularly unique as biopsies of representative lesions demonstrate a distinct lymphohistiocytic infiltrate. This atypical presentation underscores a gap in literature regarding multiple eruptive milia and calls into question whether a subtype of milia may exist with an inflammatory component.

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