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Bayesian Determination of the Soil Hydraulic Parameters and the Time Validity of Philip’s Two-Term Infiltration Equation From Measured Infiltration Data
- Jaiswal, Parakh
- Advisor(s): Vrugt, Jasper A
The topic of infiltration of water into variably saturated soils has received much
attention in the soil physics literature in the past decades. Many different equations
have been proposed to describe quantitatively the infiltration process. These equations
range from simple empirical equations to more advanced deterministic descriptions
of the infiltration process and semi-analytical solutions of Richards’ equation. The
unknown coefficients in these infiltration functions signify hydraulic properties and
must be estimated by curve fitting to measured cumulative infiltration data, Ie(t).
From all available infiltration functions, the two-term equation, I(t) = S
t + cKst of
Philip [1957] has found most widespread application and use. This popularity has not
only been cultivated by detailed physical and mathematical analysis, the two-term
infiltration equation is also easy to implement and admits a closed-form solution
for the soil sorptivity, S (L T1/2
), and multiple c (−) of the saturated hydraulic
conductivity, Ks (L T−1
). Yet, Philip’s two-term infiltration function has a limited
time validity, tvalid (T), and consequently, measured cumulative infiltration data, Ie(t),
beyond t = tvalid (T) should not be used to estimate S and Ks (among others). The
theoretical treatise in Philip [1957] provides a closed-form solution for the maximum
time validity, t
valid, of the two-term infiltration equation. It is not particularly easy to
experimentally corroborate these theoretical findings as this demands prior knowledge
of c, S and Ks
. What is more, the maximum time validity, t
valid may not characterize
properly the actual time validity, tvalid. In this paper, we introduce a new method to
determine simultaneously the values of the coefficient c, hydraulic parameters, S and
, and time validity, tvalid, of Philip’s two-term infiltration equation. Our method is
comprised of two main steps. First, we determine independently the soil sorptivity,
S, and saturated hydraulic conductivity, Ks by fitting the semi-implicit infiltration
equation of Haverkamp [Haverkamp et al., 1994] to measured cumulative infiltration
data. This step uses the DiffeRential Evolution Adaptive Metropolis (DREAM)
algorithm of Vrugt [2016] and returns as byproduct the marginal distribution of the
parameter β in Haverkamp’s infiltration equation. In the second step, the maximum
likelihood values of S and Ks are used in Philip’s two-term infiltration equation, and
used to determine the optimal values of c and tvalid via model selection using the
Bayesian information criterion. To benchmark, test and evaluate our approach we
use cumulative infiltration data simulated by HYDRUS-1D [Simunek et al., 2008]
for twelve different USDA soil types with contrasting textures. This allows us to
determine whether our procedure is unbiased as the inferred S and Ks of the synthetic
data are known before hand. Results demonstrate that the estimated values of S and
Ks are in excellent agreement with their ”true” values used to create the artificial
infiltration data. Furthermore, our estimates of c and tvalid are dependent on soil
texture and fall within the ranges stipulated in the literature.
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