Opportunities to Model Autoimmunity Using Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
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Opportunities to Model Autoimmunity Using Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells


Human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) have emerged as innovative tools and revolutionized the study of autoimmune disorders by providing a versatile platform for modeling the immune system. By deriving iPSCs directly from patients, researchers are able to replicate their distinct cellular environments to understand individual immune responses for personalized treatments. These models are instrumental in understanding disease mechanisms, identifying novel therapeutic targets, and developing personalized treatment strategies. These findings underscore the potential of human iPSCs to bridge the gap between basic research and clinical applications, leading to improved patient outcomes. Future directions include improved reprogramming techniques, refining differentiation protocols, and integrating multi-omics approaches which enhance the fidelity and applicability of human iPSC-based models. This paper reviews the current efforts to utilize iPSCs to model autoimmune diseases, highlighting the impact of genetic, epigenetic, and hormonal variations which contributes to autoimmune pathophysiology. By reviewing relevant studies, this thesis discusses how sex chromosomes, hormonal influences, and immune cell dynamics contribute to disease susceptibility and severity, offering a promising avenue for developing patient-specific therapies for autoimmune disorders.

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