Characterization and optimization of dielectric barrier discharge plasma for enhancing plant growth rate
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Open Access Publications from the University of California

UC Merced

UC Merced Electronic Theses and Dissertations bannerUC Merced

Characterization and optimization of dielectric barrier discharge plasma for enhancing plant growth rate


Dielectric barrier discharges (DBDs) are self-sustaining electrical discharges in electrode configurations containing an insulating material in the discharge path that allows for a self-pulsing plasma operation and thus, formation of a nonthermal plasma at normal pressure. In agriculture, DBDs have been shown to increase nitrate ion concentration in water treatment experiments, while increased reactive oxygen and nitrogen species from the plasma chemistry allow for germination rate of seed to increase. Thus, the application of the DBD reactors is wide and it is a reason to continue studying further with different configuration to determine potential candidates for current and new applications. To begin with, a general overview of introduce plasma and relevant parameters crucial to the studies is presented. Plasma ignition requires specific power to reach specific frequencies such as alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC). Then, the first study characterizes three in-house DBD reactors to determine power dissipation, injection, and yield for further characterization. The results report an efficient rate of injection of nitrate and the specific configuration and parameters of the DBD necessary to attain relatively high efficiency. Thereafter, a DBD configuration with highest efficiency with respect to nitrate ions and energy dissipation of plasma will be utilized to study the growth rate enhancement capabilities of plasma activated water on vegetable plants, while characterizing the plasma chemistry and electrical properties. Additionally, the water properties as a function of plasma treatment time, while providing a concluding remark on growth rate enhancement capability of such reactor.

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