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Open Access Publications from the University of California

The CATESOL Journal

The CATESOL Journal bannerUC Berkeley

So, Transitions: Linking Adverbial Use of University ESL Students

Published Web Location Commons 'BY' version 4.0 license

This research article summarizes and discusses differences found in the use of linking adverbials, such as so, yet, and however, between first-year composition students and final-year students. The methods describe both automated and manual identification of linking adverbials using computerized learner corpora, and the results include pedagogical and further research implications. Assignment particulars and other learner objectives appeared to play a role in the relative overuse of certain adverbials in addition to conversational adverbials occurring more often in the compositions of the first-year students. The findings also show an increase in academic transition use during the semester-long period of the study. Significant differences were found in the use of adverbial pairs with nuanced differences, such as yet and however. The article concludes with pedagogical implications and suggestions for how how to improve teaching practices based on the improvement found across the course of the semester.

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