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Controlling Quantum Systems for Quantum Information Processing
- Young, Kevin Christopher
- Advisor(s): Whaley, Birgitta;
- Siddiqi, Irfan
For several decades it has been appreciated that quantum computers hold incredible promise to perform calculations intractable to classical computation. However, this promise has be slow to realize. Dozens of quantum systems are currently being investigated for use in quantum information processing - none of which have yet demonstrated algorithms involving more than a handful of qubits and it remains unclear which, if any, of these systems will ultimately compose a scalable, robust quantum information processing architecture.
In this thesis we employ analytical, optimal and algebraic control techniques to evaluate various quantum systems for their potential use in quantum information processing. In doing so, we have additionally identified several novel characterization procedures capable of probing both the coherent and incoherent dynamics of quantum systems.
The first part of this thesis discusses work motivated by attempts to utilize donor qubits in silicon as quantum bits.
We first propose a measurement of the state of a single donor electron spin using two-dimensional electron gas of a field-effect transistor and electrically detected magnetic resonance. We analyze the potential sensitivity of this measurement and show that it is a quantum nondemolition measurement of an electron-encoded state.
We then present the first of two novel qubit characterization procedures. We consider the problem of rapidly characterizing a large number of similarly prepared qubits using techniques from optimal experiment design. All qubits are assumed to evolve according to the same physical processes, though the Hamiltonian parameters may vary from device to device - an inevitability in solid state qubits. We use the Cram