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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Model-based Approach with ACT-Rabout Benefits of Memory-based Strategy on Anomalous Behaviors


Users sometimes face anomalous behaviors of systems, such asmachine failures and autonomous agents. Predicting suchbehaviors of systems is difficult. We investigate the benefits ofthe memory-based strategy, which focuses on memorization ofinstances to predict anomalous and regular behaviors of thesystem, with ACT-R simulations with a cognitive model. Inthis study, we presumed the parameters defining the encodingprocesses on anomalous instances and regular instances in themodel of the memory-based strategy and performedsimulations to verify how these two parameters influenceprediction performance. The results of simulations showed that(1) regular instances are not encoded as default values in thememory-based strategy and that (2) such inactivity on regularinstances suppresses commission errors of regular instancesand does not suppress commission errors of anomalousinstances nor omission errors.

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