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Open Access Publications from the University of California

The CATESOL Journal

The CATESOL Journal bannerUC Berkeley

Curriculum Development 101: Lessons Learned From a Curriculum Design Project

Published Web Location Commons 'BY' version 4.0 license

To better prepare themselves for authentic teaching situations, pre- and in-service teachers should become familiarized with the application of curriculum-development theory in their training programs. The authors will detail how they have become more prepared to face the challenges of course development by outlining their own experience designing a curriculum for an English for Art Purposes course for a leading art school. Being inexperienced teachers themselves and outsiders to curriculum design, the authors outline and share what they learned about creating materials, tasks, and assessment instruments that not only addressed the specific needs and interests of the students, which differ from those of other academic disciplines, but also fulfilled the educational objectives of the art institution itself. Involving preservice teachers in curriculum design will help them to internalize second language teaching theory and have a deeper connection to their own curricula. The authors believe that it is through this curriculum-development process that teachers can experience professional growth and empowerment.

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