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Open Access Publications from the University of California

The CATESOL Journal

The CATESOL Journal bannerUC Berkeley

Promoting Collaboration: Using Computer-mediated Communication Tools in the Practicum Course

Published Web Location Commons 'BY' version 4.0 license

The traditional MATESOL practicum course involves placing teachers-in-preparation under the supervision of mentor teachers. While this arrangement allows individual teachers-in-preparation to develop a strong relationship with their mentor teachers, it often prevents them from engaging in a collaborative relationship with their peers. This paper describes how computer-mediated communication (CMC) tools have been integrated in a practicum course in order to promote peer support and collaboration. The paper concludes that the integration of CMC tools into the practicum course allows teachers-in-preparation to give and receive such support, to assume more responsibility for their own learning, and to be provided with increased opportunities for self-paced learning.

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