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Open Access Publications from the University of California

UC Merced

UC Merced Electronic Theses and Dissertations bannerUC Merced

Insights into Quantum Optical Phenomena


The first chapter of this dissertation will focus on an overview of quantum optics, the history, and some of the key concepts important to experimentation in this field. We will dissect the broad field of quantum optics into five smaller categories; Beginning with photonics, the study of the fundamental particle of light known as a photon and their subsequent creation. Then the optical manipulation of light through various classic effects and techniques will be explored. We will then discuss photon statistics and its importance to the various methods of photon detection. Beginning to touch on the quantum realm we will delve into photon interactions with matter and the resultant quantum effects. This overview will be concluded by a dive into the theory of quantum entanglement and the generation of entangled photons through the non-linear optical process of spontaneous parametric down conversion. The general overview of quantum optics will be followed by a set of two studies on entanglement, the generation of bi-photon pairs, and the effect of outside stimulus on the entanglement in question. While neither of these studies were executed to completion, they resulted in the development of necessary knowledge and skills, while also laying the ground work for promising future research endeavors and technological applications. A third more in depth study into the electric scalar Aharonov-Bohm effect will be presented and is the vast majority of this PhD work. At the end of each experimental section important outcomes for the development of the field will be highlighted and possible technological applications will be proposed. The final section of this work will be used to present the next steps in my academic career and will outline the avenues for future efforts made to explore various experimental works.

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