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Open Access Publications from the University of California

The CATESOL Journal

The CATESOL Journal bannerUC Berkeley

Output as a Source of Input: Collaborative Writing Tasks for Developing the Grammar and Linguistic Resources of L2 Writers

Published Web Location Commons 'BY' version 4.0 license

The role of grammar instruction within second-language writing instruction has been a subject of debate for several decades. Researchers have debated the necessity of grammar instruction, different methodologies of grammar instruction, and grammar instruction’s effectiveness for second-language writing development. Despite research indicating the benefit of grammar instruction for second-language learning and writing development, practical applications of grammar instruction to second-language writing instruction remain sparse within the discourses of second-language learning. Drawing upon theory, research, and practice from within the fields of Second Language Acquisition and Applied Linguistics, this article articulates three practical form-focused collaborative writing tasks that facilitate explicit focus on grammar and language form within the context of L2 writing.

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