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Island Rodent Eradications: Little Things Make Big Things Happen
Island rodent eradication is often a prerequisite for ecological restoration. These operations have been scaling up in size and complexity, and typically revolve around the thorough distribution of rodenticides in bait stations, by hand broadcast, by helicopter-borne spreading buckets, or by combinations of these methods. Many of the requirements of an eradication can be met by simply purchasing the right materials and following published best practices. However, intangible factors such as training and mindset of personnel are equally critical, and less commonly understood. We briefly review these factors and highlight issues such as the limited pool of experienced eradication practitioners, the increasing complexity of eradication projects (in scale, number of species to be eradicated, nontarget species, and integration with resident human populations), and potential for human error. We close by making recommendations for addressing some of these less-tangible factors and conclude that the “little things” can influence the outcomes of rodent eradication projects.
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