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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Computation of Localized Flow for Steady and Unsteady Vector Fields and Its Applications


In this paper we present an approach to the analysis of the contribution of a small subregion in a dataset to the global flow. To this purpose, we subtract the potential flow that is induced by the boundary of the sub-domain from the original flow. Since the potential flow is free of both divergence and rotation, the localized flow field retains the original features. In contrast to similar approaches, by making explicit use of the boundary flow of the subregion, we manage to isolate the region-specific flow that contains exactly the local contribution of the considered subdomain to the global flow. In the remainder of the paper, we describe an implementation on unstructured grids in both two and three dimensions. We discuss the application of several widely used feature extraction methods on the localized flow, with an emphasis on topological schemes.

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