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Open Access Publications from the University of California

The CATESOL Journal

The CATESOL Journal bannerUC Berkeley

The Re-Placement Test: Using TOEFL for Purposes of Placement

Published Web Location Commons 'BY' version 4.0 license

This article will consider using TOEFL scores for purposes of placement and advising for international graduate students at a northern California research university. As the number of international students is on the rise and the funds for the graduate ESL program are diminishing, the way in which the university is handling the influx of international students is undergoing substantial changes. One aspect of the system that is gaining attention is the graduate-level ESL placement exam. To find out if using TOEFL scores for placement is a viable option, I have looked at the Pearson r coefficient for TOEFL scores and university placement exam scores from years 2007-2011. Results from this study show a moderate correlation between the TOEFL and placement exam and suggest that students at this university with TOEFL scores 110 and above should be exempt from any ESL requirement while students with TOEFL scores below 90 need to take ESL courses.

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