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Open Access Publications from the University of California

“From Protest to Policy: A History of Women’s Social Movement Activities in Los Angeles, 1960-1999” is a major research project examining the history of women’s social movement activities in mid to late twentieth-century Los Angeles. The outcome of this work will be a history of women’s social activism in Los Angeles during this period based on the history of activities by which women organized demands against discrimination and for access, equal opportunity, and equal representation.

Cover page of Timeline for WSMALA Women and Labor in Los Angeles 1960-1998

Timeline for WSMALA Women and Labor in Los Angeles 1960-1998


“From Protest to Policy: Women’s Social Movement Activities in Los Angeles, 1960-1999,” a multi-year research project by the UCLA Center for the Study of Women, examined the how grassroots advocacy has shaped gender-related public policy in the arts, employment, healthcare, and higher education through an analysis of local women’s groups in Los Angeles between 1960 and 1999. During this period, women’s community groups organized around gender-based problems their members encountered in their lives, their families, and their neighborhoods. The following timeline represents the key events surrounding this community activism and advocacy in the area of women’s labor and worker’s rights in Los Angeles and the surrounding areas. This timeline also includes key events in federal legislation regarding labor and worker’s rights in the United States.

Cover page of Women’s Social Movement Activities in Los Angeles, 1960-1999: Women and Healthcare Annotated Bibliography

Women’s Social Movement Activities in Los Angeles, 1960-1999: Women and Healthcare Annotated Bibliography


“From Protest to Policy: Women’s Social Movement Activities in Los Angeles, 1960-1999,” a multi-year research project by the UCLA Center for the Study of Women examined the how grassroots advocacy has shaped gender-related public policy in the arts, employment, healthcare, and higher education through an analysis of local women’s groups in Los Angeles between 1960 and 1999. During this period, women’s community groups organized around gender-based problems their members encountered in their lives, their families, and their neighborhoods. The following annotated bibliography represents the key sources referenced while researching the development of and key issues surrounding women’s healthcare initiatives in California. This bibliography contains resources that discuss the development of NGOs to support women’s health, public policy surrounding issues of women’s health and safety, and the work of community organizing and activism that supported the health and safety of women in California.

Cover page of Timeline for WSMALA Women and the Arts in Los Angeles 1960-1999

Timeline for WSMALA Women and the Arts in Los Angeles 1960-1999


“From Protest to Policy: Women’s Social Movement Activities in Los Angeles, 1960-1999,” a multi-year research project by the UCLA Center for the Study of Women examined the how grassroots advocacy has shaped gender-related public policy in the arts, employment, healthcare, and higher education through an analysis of local women’s groups in Los Angeles between 1960 and 1999. During this period, women’s community groups organized around gender-based problems their members encountered in their lives, their families, and their neighborhoods. The following timeline represents the key events in the development of the feminist arts movement in Los Angeles from 1960-1999.

Cover page of Timeline for WSMALA Women and Health in Los Angeles 1960-1999

Timeline for WSMALA Women and Health in Los Angeles 1960-1999


“From Protest to Policy: Women’s Social Movement Activities in Los Angeles, 1960-1999,” a multi-year research project by the UCLA Center for the Study of Women examined the how grassroots advocacy has shaped gender-related public policy in the arts, employment, healthcare, and higher education through an analysis of local women’s groups in Los Angeles between 1960 and 1999. During this period, women’s community groups organized around gender-based problems their members encountered in their lives, their families, and their neighborhoods. The following timeline represents the key events in state and federal legislation regarding women’s health initiatives as well as the development of grassroots organizations in Los Angeles that advocate for women’s reproductive health, environmental health, drug and alcohol abuse education and treatment in women and minority populations.

Cover page of Women’s Social Movement Activities in Los Angeles, 1960-1999: Women in Higher Education Annotated Bibliography

Women’s Social Movement Activities in Los Angeles, 1960-1999: Women in Higher Education Annotated Bibliography


“From Protest to Policy: Women’s Social Movement Activities in Los Angeles, 1960-1999,” a multi-year research project by the UCLA Center for the Study of Women examined the how grassroots advocacy has shaped gender-related public policy in the arts, employment, healthcare, and higher education through an analysis of local women’s groups in Los Angeles between 1960 and 1999. During this period, women’s community groups organized around gender-based problems their members encountered in their lives, their families, and their neighborhoods. The following annotated bibliography represents the key sources referenced while researching the development of Women’s Studies programs at Colleges and Universities in and around the Los Angeles area. The sources within this bibliography range from primary documents such as newspaper articles and oral histories, texts that represent the theoretical foundation for Women’s Studies as a discipline, to articles from the academics pioneering Women’s Studies programs in California’s higher education institutions.