<em>CIS</em> Submission Guidelines
All submissions must be of previously unpublished, original material. Please do not include your name or other identifying information in the body of your article or notes.
All manuscripts must be submitted electronically through the automated system by clicking here or on the Submit Article link on the top right of our main page. There are no article processing charges or article submission charges.
All submissions (including those in Italian) must be accompanied by an abstract in English (250-500 words max.).
File format: All submissions must be in Word (.docx). We are sorry but the system does NOT accept Word Perfect files.
Languages: All submissions must be in English or Italian. All abstracts must be in English. Authors of essays in English are strongly encouraged to quote passages in the original Italian and to follow them with translations, in such a way as to allow for a wider readership of articles. Volume editors will make final determinations on this matter case by case.
Format: Please consult and follow our formatting guidelines for all submissions, whether in English or Italian. Submissions not formatted according to our guidelines will be sent back to the author for correction and may risk not meeting the deadline for consideration.
Length of Submission: Customary submission length is between 15 and 30 pages (or up to 10,000 words), except for translations and texts that require particularly lengthy discussions, which the volume editors can approve on an ad hoc basis.
Images etc.: The digital format allows us to publish images (300dpi x1080ppi), film and sound clips. The best formats are AVI. MOV. and MP4. The size of images and movie files must be below 25 mb.
Copyright: If the contribution is accepted, the author is responsible for obtaining all copyright permissions and submitting them to the managing editor in a timely manner.
How We Review Submissions
We will acknowledge receipt of your essay. All essays submitted will be read by the editors of the volume and some may already be rejected at this stage. CIS is a peer-reviewed academic journal. Submissions that are considered for publication will be sent to board members and external reviewers for evaluation and a decision will be made after the reports are received. Your name will not be included in the manuscript in this process and should not be alluded to in any part of the text you yourself have submitted. The whole review process can take from three to five months.
We will typically ask for some revisions of essays based on the board's and readers' comments. If we do, we will issue a final acceptance of your article based on the revised version just as soon as you return it to us.