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Open Access Publications from the University of California
Cover page of Smart Thermostats Plus Heat Pumps: Incompatible? Or Just Need Counseling?

Smart Thermostats Plus Heat Pumps: Incompatible? Or Just Need Counseling?


Advanced, colorfully-graphic touch-screen thermostats entered the market over ten years ago, providing a much-needed improvement to the control of home heating and cooling systems. And in the last few years, climate change mitigation concerns and rebates from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) have accelerated heat pump installations in homes across the U.S. But the relationship of smart thermostats to typical air source heat pumps (ASHP) has been rocky at best: ASHPs with variable speed drives require a deeper integration with a thermostat, and most third-party smart thermostats have step-level staged control. Proprietary thermostats that come with the ASHP units are typically not as easy to understand and use as the popular smart thermostats on the market. Moreover, heat pumps with supplemental electric resistance heating require a different control approach that respects the lower temperature/long cycle heat transfer of heat pumps and understands the impact on the electrical grid, especially with high power peaks on cold winter mornings. This paper combines a literature review of the smart thermostat+heat pump relationship and interviews with stakeholders to outline trends, issues, barriers, and areas for further study in the relationship between variable capacity heat pumps and smart thermostats.

Cover page of Hamilton: Flexible, Open Source $10 Wireless Sensor System for Energy Efficient Building Operation

Hamilton: Flexible, Open Source $10 Wireless Sensor System for Energy Efficient Building Operation


Sensors for improving building performance are rapidly populating the market, driven in part by the drive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions resulting from energy production as well as improve the interior environment for healthy and more productive spaces. UC Berkeley has led wireless sensor development over the past 25 years (e.g., Telos mote), with the Hamilton (named after Alexander Hamilton on the US $10 bill) as the most recent. The Hamilton sensor was designed as a low-cost high-performance sensor that is modular and interoperable. The objective of the Hamilton project was to create, evaluate and establish the technological foundations for secure and easy to deploy building energy efficiency applications utilizing pervasive, low-cost wireless sensors integrated with traditional Building Management Systems (BMS), consumer-sector building components, and powerful data analytics.

The project included iterative hardware design, incorporating a high-performance database (BTrDb,, creating and iterating the development of secure data middleware (BOSSwave, WAVE/WAVEMQ), working with and pushing the development of an open-source tiny operating system RiotOS, and implementing and improving protocols such as Thread/OpenThread and TCP/IP. The hardware benefited from careful design to drive down the cost; the design included a System-on-a-Chip (SoC), chip antenna, single crystal and five passive components. Careful design of the operating system created a low-power design to enable a long life with small batteries. The hardware included several sensors: temperature, radiant temperature, relative humidity, magnetometer, accelerometer, and light, with an optional occupancy (Passive InfraRed) sensor. The project was the basis of several applications, both internal to the research team and other researchers and professionals at other institutions. Several applications used the sensor hardware as the basis for other complex devices. Other applications used the sensors to improve building performance through interoperating with the building Heating Ventilation and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) system, such as using occupancy and/or distributed temperature sensing to reduce HVAC zone energy while still providing thermal comfort and to reduce peak loads in small commercial buildings. We demonstrated cloud-based energy analytics, implemented a schedule and a Model Predictive Controller in a small commercial building to optimize HVAC energy, occupancy and electricity price. Initial integration of these technological innovations was performed through the creation of execution containers containing the WAVE agent and various driver, proxy, or building system function logic.

The research added to the understanding of efficient sensor hardware, secure middleware, time-series data management (high performance database), efficient communication protocols, and interoperating with applications and building systems. The project showed the technical effectiveness and economic feasibility of creating a low-cost, modular, and easy-to-deploy sensor. Through conversations with multiple end users, the research team discovered that many customers wanted data management and services in addition to the sensors. HamiltonIOT developed packages of sensors, border router, and data services to provide a seamless “plug-and-play” sensor deployment. Some customers were willing to pay for higher quality sensors (such as light); some customers wanted a robust enclosure (waterproof).

Cover page of Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) Program Final Project Report:  State Partnership for Energy Efficient Demonstrations 2012-2014

Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) Program Final Project Report:  State Partnership for Energy Efficient Demonstrations 2012-2014


This is the final report for the State Partnership for Energy Efficient Demonstrations (originally UC/CSU Energy Efficient Campuses) project (contract number 500-10-049), conducted by the California Institute for Energy and Environment. The information from this project contributes to PIER’s Buildings End-Use Efficiency Program.

From 2004 through 2014, the State Partnership for Energy Efficient Demonstrations (SPEED) accelerated the market adoption of energy-efficient technologies. This Public Interest Energy Research Buildings End-Use Efficiency Program supported effort included lighting technologies and heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) technologies.  This collaboration with industry, public entities, and utilities focuses on field research, beta testing, demonstrations, and activities facilitating technology deployed by California energy-efficiency programs. This report highlights technologies and projects, and summarizes and indexes technical reports, case studies, guide specifications, and other documents created by the program.

This report fully covers Program activities from March 2012 through July 2014. Substantial information about the first eight years of the Program (2004–2012) is also provided for context where appropriate.

Cover page of Open Software-Architecture for Building Monitoring and Control

Open Software-Architecture for Building Monitoring and Control


Information technology can increase energy efficiency by improving the control of energy-using devices and systems. Awareness of this potential is not new—ideas for applications of information technology for energy efficiency have been promoted for more than 20 years. But much of the potential gain from the application of information technology has not yet been realized. Today a combination of new requirements for the operation of the electricity system and the development of new technology has the potential to cause a rapid increase in the pace of adoption of improved controls. In this paper we discuss one promising avenue for technology advancement. First, we review some basic concepts with emphasis on open software-architecture. Then we describe the components of XBOS, a realization of this open software-architecture. XBOS has the ability to monitor and control many different sensors and devices using both wired and wireless communication and a variety of communication protocols. Finally, we illustrate the capabilities of XBOS with examples from an XBOS installation in a small commercial office building in Berkeley California.

Cover page of Case Study: Adaptive Parking Lot Lighting

Case Study: Adaptive Parking Lot Lighting


This is a case study for the State Partnership for Energy Efficient Demonstrations (originally UC/CSU Energy Efficient Campuses) project (contract number 500-10-049), conducted by the California Institute for Energy and Environment. The information from the SPEED project contributes to the Public Interest Energy Research (PIER)'s Buildings End-Use Efficiency Program.

Cover page of Benchmark-based, Whole-Building Energy Performance Targets for UC Buildings

Benchmark-based, Whole-Building Energy Performance Targets for UC Buildings


Benchmark-based, whole building energy performance targets are becoming the best practice method for designing energy efficient and zero net energy buildings. There are several advantages to energy performance targets, including a static baseline (to allow for comparison of buildings over time), the ability to capture energy use and efficiency for all building energy loads (not just the loads regulated by code), and the ability to carry design targets through to operations. UC Merced has been using whole-building energy performance targets since its founding and has had great success in delivering buildings with very energy efficient designs that perform to those design targets in their ongoing operations. In addition, benchmarks available for UC campuses provide targets that address peak demand. For these reasons, the UC campuses are encouraged to adopt whole-building energy performance targets in their building design process, to help maintain UC’s leadership in energy efficiency.

Cover page of A Distributed Intelligent Automated Demand Response Building Management System

A Distributed Intelligent Automated Demand Response Building Management System


The goal of the 2.5 year Distributed Intelligent Automated Demand Response (DIADR) project was to reduce peak electricity load of Sutardja Dai Hall at UC Berkeley by 30% while maintaining a healthy, comfortable, and productive environment for the occupants. We sought to bring together both central and distributed control to provide “deep” demand response at the appliance level of the building as well as typical lighting and HVAC applications. This project brought together Siemens Corporate Research and Siemens Building Technology (the building has a Siemens Apogee Building Automation System (BAS)), Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (leveraging their Open Automated Demand Response (openADR), Auto-­Demand Response, and building modeling expertise), and UC Berkeley (related demand response research including distributed wireless control, and grid-­to-­building gateway development).

Cover page of Case Study: Adaptive LED Wall Packs

Case Study: Adaptive LED Wall Packs


This is a case study for the State Partnership for Energy Efficient Demonstrations (originally UC/CSU Energy Efficient Campuses) project (contract number 500-10-049), conducted by the California Institute for Energy and Environment. The information from the SPEED project contributes to the Public Interest Energy Research (PIER)'s Buildings End-Use Efficiency Program.

Cover page of A Prototype Toolkit For Evaluating Indoor Environmental Quality In Commercial Buildings

A Prototype Toolkit For Evaluating Indoor Environmental Quality In Commercial Buildings


Measurement of building environmental parameters is often complex, expensive, and not easily proceduralized in a manner that covers all commercial buildings. Evaluating building indoor environmental quality performance is therefore not standard practice. This project developed a prototype toolkit that addressed existing barriers to widespread indoor environmental quality performance evaluation. A toolkit with both hardware and software elements was designed for practitioners around the indoor environmental quality requirements of the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers / Chartered Institution of Building Services / United States Green Building Council Performance Measurement Protocols. This unique toolkit was built on a wireless mesh network with a web-based data collection, analysis, and reporting application. The toolkit provided a fast, robust deployment of sensors, real-time data analysis, Performance Measurement Protocol-based analysis methods and a scorecard and report generation tools. A web-enabled Geographic Information System-based metadata collection system also reduced field-study deployment time. The toolkit was evaluated through three case studies, which were discussed in this report.