We would like to correct a typographical error which was introduced in Eqs. (5), (11), (14), (20a), and (20b) during revision of Ref. 1. The series expansion of the plasmaelectron phase space density to the first order of 〈x〉 and 〈px〉 [Eq. (5) in Ref. 1] correctly reads fp ≈ fp0 - cos θ (〈x〉∂r + 〈px〉∂pr)fp,0 The zeroth-order term, fp,0, was not printed in Ref. 1. Accordingly, the correct expansion of the wakefield potential [Eq. (11) in Ref. 1] is ψ(r,θ) ≈ ψ0(r) -cos θ Xp ∂r ψ0 (r), the correct expansion of the source term of the wakefield potential [Eq. (14) in Ref. 1] is S(r, θ) ≈ S0(r) - cos θ Xp ∂rS0(r), and the correct expansions of the force terms [Eqs. (20a) and (20b) in Ref. 1] are Fr,b ≈ Fr,b,o - cos θ Xb ∂rFr,b,0, Fr,b ≈ Fr,p,o - cos θ 〈x〈 ∂rFr,p,0, The zeroth order terms in Eqs. (5), (11), (14), (20a), and (20b) are missing in the printing of Ref. 1 but were fully taken into account for the calculation of all derived equations of the mathematical model. The developed mathematical model and physical conclusions in Ref. 1 are therefore all unaltered by, and consistent with, the above corrections.