We determine the prospects for finding dark matter at the Tevatron and LHC through the production of exotic fourth-generation mirror quarks T ′ that decay through T′→tX, where X is dark matter. The resulting signal of tt̄+ET has not previously been considered in searches for fourth-generation quarks, but there are both general and specific dark matter motivations for this signal, and with slight modifications, this analysis applies to any scenario where invisible particles are produced in association with top quarks. Current direct and indirect bounds on such exotic quarks restrict their masses to be between 300 and 600 GeV, and the dark matter's mass may be anywhere below mT′. We simulate the signal and main backgrounds with MadGraph/MadEvent-Pythia-PGS4. For the Tevatron, we find that an integrated luminosity of 20fb-1 will allow 3σ discovery up to mT′=400GeV and 95% exclusion up to mT′=455GeV. For the 10 TeV LHC with 300pb-1, the discovery and exclusion sensitivities rise to 490 GeV and 600 GeV. These scenarios are therefore among the most promising for dark matter at colliders. Perhaps most interestingly, we find that dark matter models that can explain results from the DAMA, CDMS, and CoGeNT collaborations can be tested with high statistical significance using data already collected at the Tevatron and have extraordinarily promising implications for early runs of the LHC. © 2010 The American Physical Society.