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Are you a UC-affiliated faculty member, researcher, or student interested in publishing a journal on eScholarship? Learn more about the journal proposal process.
- AAPI Nexus: Policy, Practice and Community
- Aleph, UCLA Undergraduate Research Journal for the Humanities and Social Sciences
- Alon: Journal for Filipinx American and Diasporic Studies
- American Indian Culture and Research Journal
- Asian American Research Journal
- Asian Pacific American Law Journal
- Berkeley Papers in Formal Linguistics
- Berkeley Planning Journal
- Berkeley Review of Education
- Berkeley Scientific Journal
- Berkeley Undergraduate Journal
- Berkeley Undergraduate Journal of Classics
- Biogeographia – The Journal of Integrative Biogeography
- California Agriculture
- California Italian Studies
- California Journal of Politics and Policy
- Carte Italiane
- Challenger Research Journal
- Chicanx-Latinx Law Review
- Clinical Practice and Cases in Emergency Medicine
- Cliodynamics
- Combinatorial Theory
- Critical Planning
- Dance Major Journal
- Dermatology Online Journal
- Diagonal: An Ibero-American Music Review
- Disability Law Journal
- Dotawo: A Journal of Nubian Studies
- Electronic Green Journal
- Frontiers of Biogeography
- Glossa Psycholinguistics
- Himalayan Linguistics
- InterActions: UCLA Journal of Education and Information Studies
- International Journal of Comparative Psychology
- Issues in Applied Linguistics
- Journal for Learning through the Arts
- Journal of Astronomy in Culture
- Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology
- Journal of Citrus Pathology
- Journal of Critical Mixed Race Studies
- Journal of Education and Teaching in Emergency Medicine
- Journal of Law and Political Economy
- Journal of Right-Wing Studies
- Journal of Systems Research
- Journal of Transnational American Studies
- Journal of Writing Assessment
- Kinship
- L2 Journal: An Open Access Refereed Journal for World Language Educators
- Lamma: A Journal of Libyan Studies
- Languages of the Caucasus
- limn
- Lucero
- L’Indécis au Précis
- Mediterranean Journal of Emergency Medicine & Acute Care
- Mester
- National Black Law Journal
- New Chaucer Studies: Pedagogy and Profession
- Pacific Arts: The Journal of the Pacific Arts Association
- PaleoBios
- Parks Stewardship Forum
- Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society
- Proceedings of the Vertebrate Pest Conference
- Race and Yoga
- react/review: a responsive journal for art & architecture
- Refract: An Open Access Visual Studies Journal
- San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science
- Streetnotes
- Teaching and Learning Anthropology
- Technology Innovations in Statistics Education
- Territories: A Trans-Cultural Journal of Regional Studies
- The CATESOL Journal
- The Indigenous Peoples’ Journal of Law, Culture & Resistance
- The Undergraduate Historical Journal at UC Merced
- The Undergraduate Law Review at UC San Diego
- TRANSMODERNITY: Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World
- UC Irvine Journal of International, Transnational, and Comparative Law
- UC Irvine Law Review
- UC Merced Undergraduate Research Journal
- UC Riverside Undergraduate Research Journal
- UCLA Criminal Justice Law Review
- UCLA Entertainment Law Review
- UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy
- UCLA Journal of Gender and Law
- UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs
- UCLA Journal of Islamic and Near Eastern Law
- UCLA Pacific Basin Law Journal
- UCLA Radiological Sciences Proceedings
- Ufahamu: A Journal of African Studies
- Undergraduate Research Journal of Psychology at UCLA
- Western Journal of Emergency Medicine: Integrating Emergency Care with Population Health
Archived Journals
- Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes 4 – Conference Proceedings
- Archive of the Yiddish Literary Journal Kheshbn
- BackBone: Journal of the American College of Spine Surgery
- Berkeley Journal of Middle Eastern & Islamic Law
- Chicano Law Review
- Comitatus: A Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies
- Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review
- Crossroads of Language, Interaction and Culture
- Empowering Sustainability International Journal
- Global Societies Journal
- HAUNT Journal of Art
- International Conference on GIScience Short Paper Proceedings
- International Organization of Citrus Virologists Conference Proceedings (1957-2010)
- International Symposium on Stratified Flows
- Journal of Associated Graduates in Near Eastern Studies
- Journal of Evolution and Health: A joint publication of the Ancestral Health Society and the Society for Evolutionary Medicine and Health
- Journal of Scholarly Perspectives
- Litterae Caelestes
- Media Fields Journal
- New German Review: A Journal of Germanic Studies
- nineteen sixty nine: an ethnic studies journal
- Nutrition Bytes
- Nutrition Noteworthy
- Opolis
- Paroles gelées
- Places
- Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society
- Proceedings of UCLA Health
- Queer Cats Journal of LGBTQ Studies
- Regeneración Tlacuilolli: UCLA Raza Studies Journal
- rEvista: A Multi-media, Multi-genre e-Journal for Social Justice
- Room One Thousand
- Spaces for Difference: An Interdisciplinary Journal
- Structure and Dynamics
- Textos Híbridos: Revista de estudios sobre la crónica latinoamericana
- The Equilibrium
- The Journal of California Anthropology
- The Proceedings of the UCLA Department of Spanish and Portuguese Graduate Conference
- The Vernal Pool
- Translation Studies Journal
- UC Berkeley PhonLab Annual Report
- UC Santa Cruz Journal of International Society and Culture
- UCLA Historical Journal
- UCLA Women's Law Journal
- UCSD Molecule Pages
- Undergraduate Journal of Gender and Women’s Studies
- Voices
- World Cultures eJournal