UCSF Library

Parent: UCSF

eScholarship stats: History by Item for October, 2024 through January, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requests2025-012024-122024-112024-10
4mq1461dStatement on Inclusion and Equity in Special Collections, Archives, and Distinctive Collections in the University of California Libraries618894026364
8xh0s7nfFentanyl, fentanyl analogs and novel synthetic opioids: A comprehensive review39710610283106
6z8709hdSilence in OCR: What Could Handwritten Documents Tell Us?22734525091
3cf2389w2024 Industry Documents Undergraduate Summer Fellowship - JUUL Labs Collection Final Report14319374740
1mj5832tSelf-managed abortion: A systematic scoping review9521222230
9190j56cForum Planning Committee’s Report to UC Council of University Librarians on Choosing Pathways to Open Access (CP2OA)8815191836
3m61c5mtRegionally specific TSC1 and TSC2 gene expression in tuberous sclerosis complex.8627191723
5924k3m7Increasing the use of multimodal analgesia during adult surgery in a tertiary academic anaesthesia department8323171726
28z9p257The Opioid Industry Documents Archive: A Living Digital Repository.7914242021
9mx1f758Machine Learning Prediction of Liver Allograft Utilization From Deceased Organ Donors Using the National Donor Management Goals Registry.7719211423
2cg0d8frCompression Therapy for HIV-Associated Kaposi Sarcoma Leg Lymphedema: Results of the Kenyan Improvised Compression for Kaposi Sarcoma Randomized Controlled Trial7421181421
3d34j002Diagnosis, Staging, Radiation Treatment Response Assessment, and Outcome Prognostication of Head and Neck Cancers Using PET Imaging: A Systematic Review.7420191718
6tr2z0rcTableau (version. 9.1)7418191522
027018p1Leadership development programs for healthcare professionals in low-and middle-income countries: A systematic review.6214121521
4v12f0v8Diagnostic accuracy of a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry assay in small hair samples for rifampin-resistant tuberculosis drug concentrations in a routine care setting622391119
2wn5v11rAn abdominal skin lesion: to lump or split? a case presentation5315101513
2642g1hdSexual harassment at University of California Libraries: Understanding the experiences of library staff members458121312
5hm920502023 Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Consensus Conference on Precision Emergency Medicine: Development of a policy-relevant, patient-centered research agenda.36131058
98g4m26vAdverse Childhood Experiences Among Justice-Involved Youth: Data-Driven Recommendations for Action Using the Sequential Intercept Model3481259
3f6053jsAn Actionable Guide to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in Scholarly Communication31143212
6gr2d33kPartnering for Success: A Reproducibility Workshop Series for Biomedical Researchers2910847
7xc3f855Association of Diet With Erectile Dysfunction Among Men in the Health Professionals Follow-up Study2996311
1bh6c6ggAutomated indexing using NLM's Medical Text Indexer (MTI) compared to human indexing in Medline: a pilot study2871137
7173s4j4A single-cell atlas and lineage analysis of the adult Drosophila ovary.2857313
2f400680Promoting DEIA Through Outreach, Collections, & Scholarly Communication27610110
8h66m02wA new conceptual model of experiences of aging in place in the United States: Results of a systematic review and meta-ethnography of qualitative studies.2738412
1343b9dqElevator Pitch Exercise Template and Examples2685310
4cz294q0Navigation programs relevant for African American men with prostate cancer: a scoping review protocol269728
8g59x5mdExamining socioeconomic status disparities in facility-based childbirth in Kenya: role of perceived need, accessibility, and quality of care267469
06j4809rA Baffling Bump: A Case Report of an Unusual Chest Wall Mass in a Pediatric Patient2512427
3d43f865Reaching Diverse Populations Through Targeted Library Services 254669
0xk237j9Peer-reviewed publications in orthopaedic surgery from lower income countries: A comparative analysis235819
668000zvHostility, compassion and role reversal in West Virginia’s long opioid overdose emergency221435
03b451qxLife Support for the Open Access Policy204439
06r0516jMulti-Voiced Music Bypasses Attentional Limitations in the Brain1911512
1dr308hvAbortion Stigma and Its Relationship with Grief, Post-traumatic Stress, and Mental Health-Related Quality of Life After Abortion for Fetal Anomalies1935110
1r96x2bfGoing Global: Librarian Involvement in Outreach & Global Health Research195653
3cw4z0skShy, Not Anti-Social: How to Include and Represent Shy Children in the Library194735
3nc5m1wzWhy do biomedical researchers learn to program? An exploratory investigation19928
4fm288wzAddressing health disparities through implementation science - a need to integrate an equity lens from the outset197633
74p8c3jdThe role of information science within the clinical translational science ecosystem1919
5xr000pjSingle-cell transcriptional profiling of human thymic stroma uncovers novel cellular heterogeneity in the thymic medulla.185517
7xh56147Ethics and Open Science186417
9nm5t58gA Reproducibility Workshop Series for Biomedical Researchers18963
07q4s7c8Intracranial temporal bone angiomatoid fibrous histiocytoma: illustrative case175345
0h69n1wwTransepidermal water loss (TEWL): Environment and pollution-- A systematic review174526
2hx264msLibraries Take on Policy: Support for Open Access and Open Data17566
6gd5d5zpDescribing Digital: The Design and Creation of a Born-Digital Archival Description Standard at the University of California Libraries17485
7f30p6qzMobile health strategies for blood pressure self-management in urban populations with digital barriers: systematic review and meta-analyses171439
8hx7v7nwEvaluation of Dual-port versus Single-port Tissue Expanders in Postmastectomy Breast Reconstruction177415

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.