The UCSD Linguistics Department was founded in 1965 and emphasizes theoretical, empirical and experimental approaches to the study of language. San Diego Linguistic Papers is the new on-line working papers of the UC San Diego Linguistics Department.
Linguistics Department
Journal Articles and Conference Proceedings Papers (63)
Validating a psychoacoustic model of voice quality.
No agreed-upon method currently exists for objective measurement of perceived voice quality. This paper describes validation of a psychoacoustic model designed to fill this gap. This model includes parameters to characterize the harmonic and inharmonic voice sources, vocal tract transfer function, fundamental frequency, and amplitude of the voice, which together serve to completely quantify the integral sound of a target voice sample. In experiment 1, 200 voices with and without diagnosed vocal pathology were fit with the model using analysis-by-synthesis. The resulting synthetic voice samples were not distinguishable from the original voice tokens, suggesting that the model has all the parameters it needs to fully quantify voice quality. In experiment 2 parameters that model the harmonic voice source were removed one by one, and the voice tokens were re-synthesized with the reduced model. In every case the lower-dimensional models provided worse perceptual matches to the quality of the natural tokens than did the original set, indicating that the psychoacoustic model cannot be reduced in dimensionality without loss of fit to the data. Results confirm that this model can be validly applied to quantify voice quality in clinical and research applications.