Instructional activity created by UCLA Library in support of International Open Access Week 2019. This actitivy takes users through a game of chance centered around the scholarly peer review process.
This presentation will discuss the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) through the lens of open access. This introduction to IIIF will highlight recent use cases and, through dynamic visual examples, participants will gain an understanding of the model and technological components behind IIIF and how it supports “openness." The session will conclude with a short, hands-on demonstration of IIIF features with time for exploring IIIF and investigating further resources. Presenters will also discuss how UCLA Library is adopting IIIF in digital collections to reduce institutional barriers and promote re-use.
Part of UCLA Library's annual International Open Access Week celebration.
Instructional game created by UCLA Library in support of International Open Access Week 2019. Modeled after the public domain "Snakes and Ladders" boardgame.
Instructional board game created by UCLA Library in support of International Open Access Week 2019.