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Open Access Publications from the University of California
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Inguinal Hernia Containing the Fallopian Tube and the Ovary in a Premature Infant: A Case Report

In pediatric patients, the pelvic and the abdominal contents of hernias of the canal of Nuck have increased risk of strangulation. Early diagnosis of these hernias with ultrasonography is important. We report a case of a hernia of the canal of Nuck presented as a left inguinal mass containing the ipsilateral ovary in a 26-day-old premature infant girl.


Imaging Intertrochanteric Extension of Greater Trochanteric Fracture in a 59-year-old Man: A Case Report

Intertrochanteric fractures occur in the region between the greater and the lesser trochanters along the junction of the femoral neck and the shaft. Isolated greater trochanteric fractures seen on initial radiographs may be shown to have intertrochanteric extension on additional imaging modalities, including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography, and bone scintigraphy. We report a case of intertrochanteric extension of greater trochanteric fracture in a 59-year-old man who presented with acute worsening of chronic left hip pain after a minor fall. Radiographs of the hips revealed a left greater trochanteric fracture with suspected intertrochanteric extension. Computed tomography of the left hip, one day later, showed a minimally displaced fracture of the left greater trochanter without intertrochanteric extension. The same-day MRI of the hip showed an acute nondisplaced intertrochanteric extension of a minimally displaced greater trochanteric fracture. While the greater trochanteric fracture was seen on all three imaging modalities, the intertrochanteric extension was distinctly visualized only on MRI.

Congenital Stenosis of the Duodenum due to Duodenal Web in a Neonate: A Case Report

Congenital stenosis of the duodenum secondary to duodenal web is a rare and predominantly pediatric condition due to incomplete recanalization of the duodenal lumen during early gestation. The windsock appearance on a fluoroscopic examination of the upper gastrointestinal tract is pathognomonic for obstructive processes in the duodenum. Here, we report a surgically proven case of duodenal web in an infant.