UCLA Department of French and Francophone Studies

Parent: UCLA

eScholarship stats: Breakdown by Item for November, 2024 through February, 2025

ItemTitleTotal requestsDownloadView-only%Dnld
7p92b81t“Under a Foreign Sky:” Place and Displacement in James Baldwin’s Giovanni’s Room1975813929.4%
8qt465qhThe Abject: Kristeva and the Antigone1971702786.3%
8jx194fwChronique d’une mort annoncée : les métamorphoses du pouvoir dans Le Légataire universel (1708)1751641193.7%
96b0x72cModern Transitions in 19th Century Paris: Baudelaire and Renoir1451301589.7%
9p34b4n1Le discours fantastique de La Morte amoureuse1261141290.5%
5899b43tLaïcité in the French Public School System : an exception française ?125329325.6%
2wc036nvMaupassant nouvelliste: personnage féminin et adultère117605751.3%
9x23439nLes Géorgiques de Claude Simon : la particularité de la généralisation112209217.9%
3891m6db« Je ne suis pas de la famille » : Queerness as Exception in Gide's L 'immoraliste and Genet's Journal du Voleur110298126.4%
7b14d5wnMagic and Mesmerism in Saint Domingue104297527.9%
7444f0z3The Logic of the Undecidable: An Interview with René Girard100871387.0%
0ns0j1n9The (Wo)Man in the Iron Mask: Cross-dressing, Writing and Sexuality in L'Histoire de la Marquise-Marquis de Banneville99257425.3%
7dn778pkMemory as Construction in Viollet-le-Duc's Architectural Imagination98356335.7%
4sj933mbGhost-Ridden Authors/Ghost-Written Texts: Female Phantoms in Two Works by André Breton and Georges Bataille96227422.9%
8p45g78nLe nationalisme de Barrès : Moi, la terre et les morts95722375.8%
3w76w31cLe troc des femmes ou la révolte de Dora89147515.7%
4pf9v8f2“Ceux-là Qui Partent pour Partir”: Travel as Relinquishment in Charles Baudelaire's Le Voyage87206723.0%
80d3h4rxNom du père / nom d'auteur : les origines énigmatiques du Fresne8797810.3%
0hf6j7v5"What About the Audience? What About Them?" : Spectatorship and Cinematic Pleasure86285832.6%
1d48d7wxBetween fantasque and fantasmagorique: a fantastic reading of Balzac's La Peau de Chagrin86731384.9%
1323z44wMichelet et le renouvellement de l’Histoire : une subversion du passé monarchique au profit d’une mémoire républicaine ?8597610.6%
28g992w9Exile and Identity in the Plays of Maryse Condé85166918.8%
7qz8v7jf‘Le grand fantôme’ : Actor as Specter in Diderot’s Paradoxe sur le comédien858779.4%
06m9d9r0Classical Aesthetics, Modem Ethics: Lacan, Kierkegaard, Sophocles, Anouilh83117213.3%
0bj5t7hwAn Elusive Vision: Genesis and Apocalypse in <em>Le Ravissement de Lol V. Stein</em>83384545.8%
0p58k5dcThe Summit of Violence: Cruelty in the work of Artaud and Bataille83651878.3%
58q2k2nhThe Unity of Hérédia’s Antony and Cleopatra Sequence828749.8%
8031p7smMémoires du « bled » : Entretien avec Alain Ricard828749.8%
1g95g1s9‘That God Within:’ Writing Female Genius from Diderot to Staël81146717.3%
27v5k4gcAn Interview with Jonathan Culler81146717.3%
1879912wPerforming the Immigrant: The Works of Calixthe Beyala and Fatou Diome80374346.3%
75z5r782Bodies of Enlightenment in Diderot's Encyclopédie80631778.8%
9x11c70qFrench Folie: Memory and Madness in Buñuel’s Belle de Jour79691087.3%
7tm4j8wdLa création d’un idéal national français à travers la redécouverte de La Chanson de Roland par Léon Gautier77641383.1%
7v9615hgThe Profound Complicity of George Batailie's Blue of Noon77611679.2%
8xm8x3v6(Auto)biographic Algerian Travels of Albert Camus and Assia Djebar76284836.8%
1gr5c8crThe Ghetto Novels of Guillaume Dustan75383750.7%
4r82s45pCharting Collaborative Practices: Acknowledgements754715.3%
6h90406n"I am a Woman": The Body as Background in The Second Sex73611283.6%
2jf516kbLa Dame pipi du quarante-quatrième étage: l’exil et la marge dans Stupeurs et Tremblements d’Amélie Nothomb72452762.5%
3d48x20gJamming the Machine: Yves Klein's Blue Monochrome and the End of the Avant-Garde70502071.4%
5031q3jsExquisite Corpses: Representations of Violence in the Collective Surrealist Unconscious69402958.0%
3fj1s346Le Passage ou l'architecture du devenir676619.0%
1pz7t9qnLes plis dans les puits: Identity and Narrative in Myriam Warner-Vieyra's Juletane66501675.8%
24v3331gGenre-Crossing: Kingston's The Woman Warrior and Its Discursive Community66501675.8%
4j7246jkGeorges Perec--La Disparition des manipulations sur le langage pour interpréter le réel66521478.8%
3vz2d3djLe bijou dans l’œuvre de Baudelaire : une mutilation symbolique65511478.5%
8h50z8dfMichel Houellebecq: The Impossibility of Being an Island64323250.0%
6pj4f154Alain Robbe-Grillet: Sex and Violence or the Destruction of the Traditional Novel61313050.8%
8zr1t8xjAssia Djebar’s Vaste est la prison: Platform for a New Space of Agency and Feminine Enunciation in Algeria60322853.3%

Note: Due to the evolving nature of web traffic, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision. Learn more.