Shock waves, the interface of supersonic and subsonic plasma flows, are the primary region for charged particle acceleration in multiple space plasma systems, including Earths bow shock, which is readily accessible for in-situ measurements. Spacecraft frequently observe relativistic electron populations within this region, characterized by energy levels surpassing those of solar wind electrons by a factor of 10,000 or more. However, mechanisms of such strong acceleration remain elusive. Here we use observations of electrons with energies up to 200 kiloelectron volts and a data-constrained model to reproduce the observed power-law electron spectrum and demonstrate that the acceleration by more than 4 orders of magnitude is a compound process including a complex, multi-step interaction between more commonly known mechanisms and resonant scattering by several distinct plasma wave modes. The proposed model of electron acceleration addresses a decades-long issue of the generation of energetic (and relativistic) electrons at planetary plasma shocks. This work may further guide numerical simulations of even more effective electron acceleration in astrophysical shocks.
The weakly ionized plasma in the Earths ionosphere is controlled by a complex interplay between solar and magnetospheric inputs from above, atmospheric processes from below, and plasma electrodynamics from within. This interaction results in ionosphere structuring and variability that pose major challenges for accurate ionosphere prediction for global navigation satellite system (GNSS) related applications and space weather research. The ionospheric structuring and variability are often probed using the total electron content (TEC) and its relative perturbations (dTEC). Among dTEC variations observed at high latitudes, a unique modulation pattern has been linked to magnetospheric ultra-low-frequency (ULF) waves, yet its underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Here using magnetically conjugate observations from the THEMIS spacecraft and a ground-based GPS receiver at Fairbanks, Alaska, we provide direct evidence that these dTEC modulations are driven by magnetospheric electron precipitation induced by ULF-modulated whistler-mode waves. We observed peak-to-peak dTEC amplitudes reaching ∼ 0.5 TECU (1 TECU is equal to 10 6 electrons/ m 2 ) with modulations spanning scales of ∼ 5-100 km. The cross-correlation between our modeled and observed dTEC reached ∼ 0.8 during the conjugacy period but decreased outside of it. The spectra of whistler-mode waves and dTEC also matched closely at ULF frequencies during the conjugacy period but diverged outside of it. Our findings elucidate the high-latitude dTEC generation from magnetospheric wave-induced precipitation, addressing a significant gap in current physics-based dTEC modeling. Theses results thus improve ionospheric dTEC prediction and enhance our understanding of magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling via ULF waves.
The Stimson formation is a late-infilling eolian sandstone in Gale crater, Mars that formed from sand accumulation in a dune field analogous to the modern active Bagnold dune field, enabling a unique opportunity to compare the past to the present dune fields on Mars. Previous work suggested that the Stimson has a coarser grain-size distribution than the active Bagnold dunes based on three images of the Stimson. We analyze grain size in the Naukluft and Emerson plateaus of the Stimson by observing 115 images throughout the formation to classify textures and quantitatively measuring grains in eight representative individual images. Results indicate that the Stimson has a primary grain size mode at <200 μm. In addition, more than 50% of the observed Stimson rock targets display a coarser grain population with a long-tailed distribution including grains ∼600–1200 μm. The primary grain size mode is similar to that observed in the Bagnold dunes, but the coarse grain size mode was neither observed in the Bagnold dunes nor in ripples adjacent to the dune field. Models for saltation mechanics indicate that the favored grain size for eolian transport on Mars, ∼100–200 μm, is independent of atmospheric density, though atmospheric density affects the wind speeds at which grains can be transported by winds. We conclude that the source of the Stimson dunes was more proximal and coarser than the source of the Bagnold dunes and that the paleoatmosphere was likely not significantly denser than the modern Martian atmosphere.
In this study, we analyse ‘magneto-Stokes’ flow, a fundamental magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flow that shares the cylindrical-annular geometry of the Taylor–Couette cell but uses applied electromagnetic forces to circulate a free-surface layer of electrolyte at low Reynolds numbers. The first complete, analytical solution for time-dependent magneto-Stokes flow is presented and validated with coupled laboratory and numerical experiments. Three regimes are distinguished (shallow-layer, transitional and deep-layer flow regimes), and their influence on the efficiency of microscale mixing is clarified. The solution in the shallow-layer limit belongs to a newly identified class of MHD potential flows, and thus induces mixing without the aid of axial vorticity. We show that these shallow-layer magneto-Stokes flows can still augment mixing in distinct Taylor dispersion and advection-dominated mixing regimes. The existence of enhanced mixing across all three distinguished flow regimes is predicted by asymptotic scaling laws and supported by three-dimensional numerical simulations. Mixing enhancement is initiated with the least electromagnetic forcing in channels with order-unity depth-to-gap-width ratios. If the strength of the electromagnetic forcing is not a constraint, then shallow-layer flows can still yield the shortest mixing times in the advection-dominated limit. Our robust description of momentum evolution and mixing of passive tracers makes the annular magneto-Stokes system fit for use as an MHD reference flow.
Abstract: The local scale of rotating convection, ℓ, is a fundamental parameter in many turbulent geophysical and astrophysical fluid systems, yet it is often poorly constrained. Here we conduct rotating convection laboratory experiments analogous to convecting flows in planetary cores and subsurface oceans to obtain measurements of the local scales of motion. Utilizing silicone oil as the working fluid, we employ shadowgraph imagery to visualize the flow, from which we extract values of the characteristic cross‐axial scale of convective columns and plumes. These measurements are compared to the theoretical values of the critical onset length scale, ℓcrit, and the turbulent length scale, ℓturb. Our experimentally obtained length scale measurements simultaneously agree with both the onset and turbulent scale predictions across three orders of magnitude in convective supercriticality , a correlation that is consistent with inferences made in prior studies. We further explore the nature of this correlation and its implications for geophysical and astrophysical systems.
Abstract: Faustini crater (41 km diameter) hosts a large (664 km2) permanently shadowed region (PSR) with a high potential to harbor water-ice deposits. One of the 13 candidate Artemis III landing areas contains a portion of the crater rim and proximal ejecta. The ShadowCam instrument aboard the Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter provides detailed images of the PSR within Faustini. We characterize the terrain and thermal environment within the Faustini PSR from ShadowCam images, Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter thermal measurements and laser ranging, and thermal modeling. Our mapping revealed three distinct areas of the floor of Faustini based on elevations, slopes, and surface roughness. These units broadly correlate with temperatures; thus, they may be influenced by variations in volatile sublimation. Crater retention and topographic diffusion rates appear to be asymmetric across the floor, likely due to differences in maximum and average temperatures. Several irregular depressions and a pronounced lobate-rim crater are consistent with subsurface ice. However, differences in the thicknesses of deposited materials on the floor may also explain the asymmetry. Additionally, zones of elevated surface roughness across Faustini appear to result from overprinted crater ray segments, possibly from Tycho and Jackson craters. Mass wasting deposits and pitting on opposite sides of the crater wall may have resulted from the low-angle delivery of material ejected by the Shackleton crater impact event, suggesting that the Artemis III candidate landing region named “Faustini Rim A” will contain material from Shackleton.
Investigating the habitability of ocean worlds is a priority of current and future NASA missions. The Europa Clipper mission will conduct approximately 50 flybys of Jupiters moon Europa, returning a detailed portrait of its interior from the synthesis of data from its instrument suite. The magnetometer on board has the capability of decoupling Europas induced magnetic field to high precision, and when these data are inverted, the electrical conductivity profile from the electrically conducting subsurface salty ocean may be constrained. To optimize the interpretation of magnetic induction data near ocean worlds and constrain salinity from electrical conductivity, accurate laboratory electrical conductivity data are needed under the conditions expected in their subsurface oceans. At the high-pressure, low-temperature (HPLT) conditions of icy worlds, comprehensive conductivity data sets are sparse or absent from either laboratory data or simulations. We conducted molecular dynamics simulations of candidate ocean compositions of aqueous NaCl under HPLT conditions at multiple concentrations. Our results predict electrical conductivity as a function of temperature, pressure, and composition, showing a decrease in conductivity as the pressure increases deeper into the interior of an icy moon. These data can guide laboratory experiments at conditions relevant to icy moons and can be used in tandem to forward-model the magnetic induction signals at ocean worlds and compare with future spacecraft data. We discuss implications for the Europa Clipper mission.
The shape of the ocean floor (bathymetry) and the overlaying sediments provide the largest carbon sink throughout Earths history, supporting ~one to two orders of magnitude more carbon storage than the oceans and atmosphere combined. While accumulation and erosion of these sediments are bathymetry dependent (e.g., due to pressure, temperature, salinity, ion concentration, and available productivity), no systemic study has quantified how global and basin scale bathymetry, controlled by the evolution of tectonics and mantle convection, affects the long-term carbon cycle. We reconstruct bathymetry spanning the last 80 Myr to describe steady-state changes in ocean chemistry within the Earth system model LOSCAR. We find that both bathymetry reconstructions and representative synthetic tests show that ocean alkalinity, calcite saturation state, and the carbonate compensation depth (CCD) are strongly dependent on changes in shallow bathymetry (ocean floor ≤600 m) and on the distribution of the deep marine regions (>1,000 m). Limiting Cenozoic evolution to bathymetry alone leads to predicted CCD variations spanning 500 m, 33 to 50% of the total observed variations in the paleoproxy records. Our results suggest that neglecting bathymetric changes leads to significant misattribution to uncertain carbon cycle parameters (e.g., atmospheric CO2 and water column temperature) and processes (e.g., biological pump efficiency and silicate-carbonate riverine flux). To illustrate this point, we use our updated bathymetry for an Early Paleogene C cycle case study. We obtain carbonate riverine flux estimates that suggest a reversal of the weathering trend with respect to present-day, contrasting with previous studies, but consistent with proxy records and tectonic reconstructions.