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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Faculty Publications

The Department of Earth System Science (ESS) focuses on how the atmosphere, land, and oceans interact as a system, and how the Earth will change over a human lifetime.

Cover page of The International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean Version 5.0.

The International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean Version 5.0.


Knowledge about seafloor depth, or bathymetry, is crucial for various marine activities, including scientific research, offshore industry, safety of navigation, and ocean exploration. Mapping the central Arctic Ocean is challenging due to the presence of perennial sea ice, which limits data collection to icebreakers, submarines, and drifting ice stations. The International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean (IBCAO) was initiated in 1997 with the goal of updating the Arctic Ocean bathymetric portrayal. The project team has since released four versions, each improving resolution and accuracy. Here, we present IBCAO Version 5.0, which offers a resolution four times as high as Version 4.0, with 100 × 100 m grid cells compared to 200 × 200 m. Over 25% of the Arctic Ocean is now mapped with individual depth soundings, based on a criterion that considers water depth. Version 5.0 also represents significant advancements in data compilation and computing techniques. Despite these improvements, challenges such as sea-ice cover and political dynamics still hinder comprehensive mapping.

Cover page of Increased Occurrence of Large‐Scale Windthrows Across the Amazon Basin

Increased Occurrence of Large‐Scale Windthrows Across the Amazon Basin


Convective storms with strong downdrafts create windthrows: snapped and uprooted trees that locally alter the structure, composition, and carbon balance of forests. Comparing Landsat imagery from subsequent years, we documented temporal and spatial variation in the occurrence of large (≥30 ha) windthrows across the Amazon basin from 1985 to 2020. Over 33 individual years, we detected 3179 large windthrows. Windthrow density was greatest in the central and western Amazon regions, with ∼33% of all events occurring in ∼3% of the monitored area. Return intervals for large windthrows in the same location of these “hotspot” regions are centuries to millennia, while over the rest of the Amazon they are >10,000 years. Our data demonstrate a nearly 4-fold increase in windthrow number and affected area between 1985 (78 windthrows and 6,900 ha) and 2020 (264 events and 32,170 ha), with more events of >500 ha size since 1990. Such extremely large events (>500 ha up to 2,543 ha) are responsible for interannual variation in the overall median (84 ± 5.2 ha; ±95% CI) and mean (147 ± 13 ha) windthrow area, but we did not find significant temporal trends in the size distribution of windthrows with time. Our results document increased damage from convective storms over the past 40 years in the Amazon, filling a gap in temporal records for tropical regions. Our publicly accessible large windthrow database provides a valuable tool for exploring dynamic conditions leading to damaging storms and their ecological impact on Amazon forests.

Unexpectedly strong heat stress induction of monoterpene, methylbutenol, and other volatile emissions for conifers in the cypress family (Cupressaceae)


We investigated the biogenic volatile organic compound (BVOC) emission rates and composition of Cupressaceae species and how the emissions change in response to moderate warming and more severe heat stress. A total of 8 species from 7 distinct Cupressaceae genera were targeted in this study and exposed to laboratory-simulated heatwaves. Each plant was enclosed in a temperature-controlled glass chamber and allowed to equilibrate at 30 °C for 24 h. The temperature was then increased stepwise from 33 °C to 43 °C in 2 °C increments, with each step lasting 2 h, and was finally kept at 45 °C for 12 h. The BVOC emissions were measured periodically using an automated air sampler coupled to a gas chromatograph. Most of the sampled Cupressaceae species (6 out of 8) were low BVOC emitters (<0.3 μgC g-1 h-1) at 30 °C. However, the BVOC emissions of all 8 species increased strongly with temperature, and in most species (5 out of 8), the emissions continued to increase with longer exposure times to heat stress. The largest increase was observed in Thuja occidentalis and Chamaecyparis thyoides, which reached maximum emissions of 350 and 190 μgC g-1 h-1, respectively. Of the different BVOCs, monoterpenes responded most strongly to heat stress, with Q10 temperature coefficients typically ranging between 7.6 and 22, which were significantly greater than the model-predicted value of 2.7. Other BVOCs including sesquiterpenes, C9 aromatics (only detected in Calocedrus decurrens), methylbutenols, and other C5 oxygenates were also induced by heat stress, but generally at a lower magnitude than monoterpenes. Our results indicate that Cupressaceae are a large but typically dormant source of reactive volatile hydrocarbons (mostly monoterpenes) whose emissions can be activated by heat stress. This phenomenon could have important implications for ozone and aerosol formation, air quality, and human health, particularly in urban areas that are prone to heatwaves.

Cover page of Heat waves may trigger unexpected surge in aerosol and ozone precursor emissions from sedges in urban landscapes.

Heat waves may trigger unexpected surge in aerosol and ozone precursor emissions from sedges in urban landscapes.


Biogenic isoprene emissions from herbaceous plants are generally lower than those from trees. However, our study finds widespread isoprene emission in herbaceous sedge plants, with a stronger temperature response surpassing current tree-derived models. We measured and compared isoprene emissions from sedges grown in different climatic zones, all showing an exponential temperature response with a Q10 range of 7.2 to 12, significantly higher than the Q10 of about 3 for other common isoprene emitters. The distinct temperature sensitivity of sedges makes them a hidden isoprene source, significant during heat waves but not easily detected in mild weather. For instance, isoprene emissions from Carex praegracilis can increase by 320% with a peak emission of over 100 nmol m-2 s-1 compared to preheat wave emissions. During heat waves, the peak isoprene emissions from C. praegracilis can match those from Lophostemon confertus, a commonly used street tree species which is considered the dominant urban isoprene source due to higher biomass and emission capacities. This surge in isoprene from globally distributed sedges, including those in urban landscapes, could contribute to peak ozone and aerosol pollutants during heat waves.

Cover page of A Single Compartment Relaxed Eddy Accumulation Method

A Single Compartment Relaxed Eddy Accumulation Method


The relaxed eddy accumulation (REA) method is a widely-known technique that measures turbulent fluxes of scalar quantities. The REA technique has been used to measure turbulent fluxes of various compounds, such as methane, ethene, propene, butene, isoprene, nitrous oxides, ozone, and others. The REA method requires the accumulation of scalar concentrations in two separate compartments that conditionally sample updrafts and downdraft events. It is demonstrated here that the assumptions behind the conventional or two-compartment REA approach allow for one-compartment sampling, therefore called a one compartment or 1-C-REA approach, thereby expanding its operational utility. The one-compartment sampling method is tested across various land cover types and atmospheric stability conditions, and it is found that the one-compartment REA can provide results comparable to those determined from conventional two-compartment REA. This finding enables rapid expansion and practical utility of REA in studies of surface-atmosphere exchanges, interactions, and feedbacks.

Cover page of Characterizing firebrands and their kinematics during lofting

Characterizing firebrands and their kinematics during lofting


Spot fires pose a major risk and add to the already complex physics, which makes fire spread so hard to predict, especially in the wildland urban interface. Firebrands can not only cross fuel breaks and thwart other suppression efforts but also directly damage infrastructure and block evacuation routes. Transport models and computational fluid dynamics tools often make simplifications when predicting spot fire risk, but there is a relative lack of experimental data to validate such parameterizations. To this end, we present a field experiment performed at the University of California Berkeley Blodgett Research Forest in California where we recorded the flame and firebrands emanating from a nighttime hand-drawn pile fire using high-frequency imaging. We used image-processing to characterize the fire intensity and turbulence as well as particle tracking velocimetry to measure ejected firebrand kinematics as they are lofted by the plume. We further collected embers that settled around the fire at varying distances and measured their size, shape, density, and settling distributions. We also examine existing physics-based time-averaged models of firebrand lofting and note discrepancies between such models, often used due to their speed and simplicity, and our experimental observations. Finally, we discuss some implications our observations could have on future modeling efforts by considering the time-dependent fire dynamics, intermittency in the plume turbulence, and in the firebrand generation rate. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first in situ observations of firebrand generation and lofting from representative fuels, addressing a major source of data gap and uncertainty in the wildland fire literature.

Cover page of Local hydroclimate alters interpretation of speleothem δ18O records

Local hydroclimate alters interpretation of speleothem δ18O records


Oxygen isotopes (δ18O) are the most commonly utilized speleothem proxy and have provided many foundational records of paleoclimate. Thus, understanding processes affecting speleothem δ18O is crucial. Yet, prior calcite precipitation (PCP), a process driven by local hydrology, is a widely ignored control of speleothem δ18O. Here we investigate the effects of PCP on a stalagmite δ18O record from central Vietnam, spanning 45 - 4 ka. We employ a geochemical model that utilizes speleothem Mg/Ca and cave monitoring data to correct the δ18O record for PCP effects. The resulting record exhibits improved agreement with regional speleothem δ18O records and climate model simulations, suggesting that the corrected record more accurately reflects precipitation δ18O (δ18Op). Without considering PCP, our interpretations of the δ18O record would have been misleading. To avoid misinterpretations of speleothem δ18O, our results emphasize the necessity of considering PCP as a significant driver of speleothem δ18O.

The Impact of Microbial Interactions on Ecosystem Function Intensifies Under Stress


A major challenge in ecology is to understand how different species interact to determine ecosystem function, particularly in communities with large numbers of co-occurring species. We use a trait-based model of microbial litter decomposition to quantify how different taxa impact ecosystem function. Furthermore, we build a novel framework that highlights the interplay between taxon traits and environmental conditions, focusing on their combined influence on community interactions and ecosystem function. Our results suggest that the ecosystem impact of a taxon is driven by its resource acquisition traits and the community functional capacity, but that physiological stress amplifies the impact of both positive and negative interactions. Furthermore, net positive impacts on ecosystem function can arise even as microbes have negative pairwise interactions with other taxa. As communities shift in response to global climate change, our findings reveal the potential to predict the biogeochemical functioning of communities from taxon traits and interactions.