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Submission guidelines
Deadline for submission to the Spring issue is 2/11/2022.
Original manuscripts on any topic related to Classics from undergraduate students in any major at an institution which confers a bachelor’s degree or higher are eligible to submit.
Click on Submit Article to this Journal in the left-hand sidebar of this page.
Follow directions to create an account and upload your submission, including:
- a cover page with the title of submission, author’s name, email address, university name, major(s), and year of graduation;
- an abstract of no more than 250 words; and
- the article, paper, essay or translation formatted according to the Chicago Manual of Style as set forth here:
All documents uploaded must be formatted in double-spaced 12-pitch Times New Roman font.
While we encourage simultaneous submissions, please let us know if you have been accepted in another journal so that we may give space to other submissions.